Best jQuery Core Java Script Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Hilo : HTML5 Game Framework

    Hilo : HTML5 Game Framework

    Hilo is a Cross-end HTML5 Game development solution developed by Alibaba Group. It could help developers build HTML5 games conveniently in minutes.


    • independency modules design, support multiple module styles;
    • Object Oriented Programmed Development;
    • Simple and efficient Visual Object Architecture;
    • Multiple render model supported, including CanvasRendererDOMRenderer and WebGLRenderer;
    • Compatible for multiple desktop and mobile browsers. Using Flash Shim to support IE (yes as you can see, it support IE);
    • Physics extensions supported: Chipmunk
    • Skeleton animation extensions supported: DragonBones

    v8n : JavaScript Fluent Validation Library

    v8n : JavaScript Fluent Validation Library

    v8n aims to be the most fluent and simple validation library for use in any context. The API is beautifully readable and allows for easy creation of complex validations in any part of your app. Even though there are many useful default validation methods, it’s a breeze to add your own fluent rules to v8n and use them anywhere in your app.


    • Fluent and chainable API
    • Useful standard validation rules (30+)
    • Custom validations rules
    • Asynchronous validation
    • Reusability

    G2: The Grammar of Graphics in JavaScript

    G2: The Grammar of Graphics in JavaScript

    G2 is a visualization grammar, a data-driven visual language with a high level of usability and scalability. It provides a set of grammars, takes users beyond a limited set of charts to an almost unlimited world of graphical forms. With G2, users can describe the visual appearance of a visualization just by one statement.

    Physics-Based Background Scroll Effects with JavaScript

    Physics-Based Background Scroll Effects with JavaScript

    This article will show you how to create nifty physics-based background scroll effects for your web pages. We’ll be using Matter.js, an excellent open-source JavaScript framework, to handle the physics for us.

    Sal.js : Lightweight Scroll Animation library

    Sal.js : Lightweight Scroll Animation library

    Sal.js is a performance focused, lightweight scroll animation library.Sal (Scroll Animation Library) is written with aim to provide performant and lightweight solution for animating elements on scroll. It’s based on the Intersection Observer, which gives amazing performance in terms of checking the element’s presence in viewport.

    BLOB – Interactive Animated 3D Background

    BLOB - Interactive Animated 3D Background

    BLOB is animated, interactive and highly customizable 3D background. Visual editor included. Supports morphing and other shape transitions. Created as Javascript plugin based on HTML5 Canvas.


    • Interactive 3D background
    • HTML5 Canvas technology
    • Does not require WebGL support
    • All browsers and platforms
    • Works both online and offline
    • Multiple instance support
    • Three animation concepts that can be combined
    • Responds to mouse movements
    • Easy to use
    • Highly customizable
    • Rich API
    • Visual editor

    AgentMaps : Social Simulations on Interactive Maps

    AgentMaps : Social Simulations on Interactive Maps

    AgentMaps is a Javascript library for building and visualizing dynamic social systems on maps. It is based on the Leafletinteractive mapping library. Given a neighborhood, AgentMaps lets you quickly and easily:

    • Build units along the streets.
    • Spawn agents onto the map.
    • Schedule them to move between places on the map.
    • Change their appearance and properties.

    Heads-Up.js : JavaScript Sticky Headers

    Heads-Up.js : JavaScript Sticky Headers

    Heads-Up.js is a javascript sticky headers that hide on scroll.

    T-Writer.js : JavaScript Native Typewriter Effect

    T-Writer.js : JavaScript Native Typewriter Effect

    T-Writer.js is a JavaScript native typewriter effect, without compromises or dependencies.

    Creating a custom typewriter effect can be cumbersome and time consuming. However, most of the libraries out there are either slow, bloated with dependencies, or lacking in functionality.

    T-Writer.js was designed to provide maximum flexibility and usability, while remaining fast and dependency free.

    Animate Images and Videos with curtains.js

    Animate Images and Videos with curtains.js

    curtains.js was created with just that issue in mind. It is a small vanilla WebGL javascript library that converts HTML elements containing images and videos into 3D WebGL textured planes, allowing you to animate them via shaders.
    You can define each plane size and position via CSS, which makes it super easy to add WebGL responsive planes all over your pages.