Best jQuery Core Java Script Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    ProppyJS : JavaScript library for Composing Props

    ProppyJS : JavaScript library for Composing Props

    ProppyJS is a tiny 1.5kB JavaScript library for composing props (object that components receive to render themselves).It comes with various integration packages giving you the freedom to use it popular rendering libraries.

    remoteStorage.js : JavaScript Library for Integrating Remote Storage in Apps

    remoteStorage.js : JavaScript Library for Integrating Remote Storage in Apps

    remoteStorage.js is a JavaScript library for storing user data locally in the browser, as well as connecting to remoteStorage servers and syncing data across devices and applications. It is also capable of connecting and syncing data with a person’s Dropbox or Google Drive account (optional).

    Scrollama : JavaScript Library for Scrollytelling with IntersectionObserver

    Scrollama : JavaScript Library for Scrollytelling with IntersectionObserver

    Scrollama is a modern & lightweight JavaScript library for scrollytelling using Intersection Observer in favor of scroll events.

    The goal of this library is to provide a simple interface for creating scroll-driven interactives. Scrollama is focused on perfomance by using Intersection Observer to handle element position detection. It offers an opinionated scrollytelling pattern to reduce more involved DOM calculations.


    SpriteJS : A lightweight 2D Render Object Model

    SpriteJS : A lightweight 2D Render Object Model

    SpriteJS is a lightweight 2D canvas rendering engine for modern browsers. Manipulate the sprites in canvas as you do with the DOM elements.

    SpriteJS can be used with D3.js, Proton and Matter-js.


    • Manipulate the sprites element as you do with the DOM elements.
    • Perform fast drawing with smart cache.
    • Multiple layers.
    • Web Animations Api
    • Controllable event dispatching.
    • Object Oriented Programmed Development with ES6+
    • Server-side render. Work with node-canvas.
    • Weixin Apps

    Windtalk : Simplest way to communicate between Windows or Iframes

    Windtalk : Simplest way to communicate between Windows or Iframes

    Micro lib (720 bytes gzipped) that provides a simplest way to communicate between windows or iframes.

    • Work with objects/functions defined in another window/iframe.
    • All calls are async. Works great with async/await.

    Wired Elements : Collection of UI Elements for Wireframes

    Wired Elements : Collection of UI Elements for Wireframes

    Wired Elements is a series of basic UI Elements that have a hand drawn look. These can be used for wireframes, mockups, or just the fun hand-drawn look.

    TOAST UI Calendar : JavaScript Schedule Calendar

    TOAST UI Calendar : JavaScript Schedule Calendar

    TOAST UI Calendar is a javascript schedule calendar that is full featured. Now your service just got the customizable calendar.


    • Supports various view types: daily, weekly, monthly(6 weeks, 2 weeks, 3 weeks)
    • Supports efficient management of milestone and task schedules
    • Supports the narrow width of weekend
    • Supports changing start day of week
    • Supports customizing the date and schedule information UI(including a header and a footer of grid cell)
    • Supports adjusting a schedule by mouse dragging
    • Supports customizing UI by theme

    Integrated-2D : Javascript 2D rendering framework for SVG & Canvas

    Integrated-2D : Javascript 2D rendering framework for SVG & Canvas

    Integrated-2D – is an Open source Javascript framework for rendering 2D graphics on SVG, Canvas and WebGL contexts. I2D’s simple syntax and semantics lets you combine the power of Vector graphics and Bitmap to achieve complex visualisations easily.

    I2Djs provides single Application Programming Interface to create and animate elements across different graphic rendering contexts by leveraging their underlying capabilities. Developers can make use of I2D’s multi-layered contextual approach with capabilities from more than one context seamlessly for creating powerful composite visualisation under a single roof.

    I2D also provides a unique data-driven approach with join-actions for DOM manipulation based on data binding.

    Presentr : Javascript Presentation Library

    Presentr : Javascript Presentation Library

    Minimalistic javascript presentation-library. Zero dependencies. Can be used in combination with frameworks like Bootstrap, Materialize, Vue etc.


    • Simple usage
    • No jQuery
    • No dependencies
    • Hackable / Extensible
    • Ultra small, only 1.8 kB gzipped

    Pickr : Flat, Simple, Hackable Color-Picker

    Pickr : Flat, Simple, Hackable Color-Picker

    Pickr is a flat, simple, responsive and hackable color-picker. It has no dependencies and compatible with all CSS Frameworks just like Bootstrap, Materialize.


    • Simple usage
    • No dependencies
    • Multiple color representations
    • Color comparison
    • Opacity control
    • Supports touch devices
    • Nodejs support
    • Lightweight, 8KB gzipped