Best jQuery Core Java Script Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    JointJS – JavaScript Diagramming Library

    JointJS - JavaScript Diagramming Library

    JointJS is a JavaScript diagramming library. It can be used to create either static diagrams or, and more importantly, fully interactive diagramming tools and application builders.Rappid is a diagramming framework for advanced applications, delivering the best of HTML 5 + SVG and providing you with the right tools to build outstanding products.


    • basic diagram elements (rect, circle, ellipse, text, image, path)
    • ready-to-use diagram elements of well-known diagrams (ERD, Org chart, FSA, UML, PN, DEVS, …)
    • custom diagram elements based on SVG or programmatically rendered
    • interactive elements and links
    • connecting diagram elements with links
    • customizable links, their arrowheads and labels
    • links smoothing (bezier interpolation)
    • magnets (link connection points) can be placed basically anywhere
    • hierarchical diagrams
    • serialization/deserialization to/from JSON format
    • highly event driven – you can react on any event that happens inside the paper
    • zoom in/out
    • touch support

    Grid Layout with Scrollable Content View

    Grid Layout with Scrollable Content View

    Today we’d like to share a Masonry-powered grid layout with you that has a motion hover effect on the items and a content preview that is scrollable. Once a grid item is clicked, we animate the image to the center of the page and scale it up. The background of the item also scales up, filling the whole page and forming the new background of the content preview. The content preview is scrollable, with some more text showing beneath the image. The animations are powered by TweenMax.

    Glider 3D Photo Slider

    Glider 3D Photo Slider

    Glider – is a simple slider script that automatically animates layers of still imagery for creating illusion of 3D. It pans and zooms photo in any direction to achieve Ken Burns 3D effect.

    Beer Slider : Responsive & Accessible Before-After Slider

    Beer Slider : Responsive & Accessible Before-After Slider

    Beer slider is a vanilla JS keyboard accessible plugin for any before-after comparison.

    It’s basic purpose is to compare two versions of an image, for example the same object shot in two different moments, a pre-edited photo and its processed version, a sketch and the finished illustration, etc.

    It can be particularly useful with photo presets (Lightroom presets, Photoshop actions, etc.).

    Chance.js : Random generator helper for JavaScript

    Chance.js : Random generator helper for JavaScript

    Chance.js is a random generator helper for JavaScript.Chance is a minimalist generator of random [1] strings, numbers, etc. to help reduce some monotony particularly while writing automated tests or anywhere else you need anything random.

    Chance is open source software and is released under the developer and business-friendly MIT License

    ckin : HTML5 Video Player using Javascript

    ckin : HTML5 Video Player using Javascript

    ckin is a opensource lightweight HTML5 Video Player using Javascript (No jQuery).

    cPlayer : A beautiful and clean WEB Music Player by HTML5

    cPlayer : A beautiful and clean WEB Music Player by HTML5

    cPlayer is a beautiful and clean WEB Music Player by HTML5.


    • Lyrics display
    • Playlists
    • Three play modes, Single cycle, list loop, random play
    • Designed for touch devices
    • Modular Customizable
    • Media Session Support

    Highway : JavaScript library for AJAX-based Website Transitions

    Highway : JavaScript library for AJAX-based Website Transitions

    Highway is a lightweight (2.2ko gzipped)robustmodern and flexible library that will let us create AJAX navigations with beautiful transitions on our websites. It’s been a while we were trying to build this kind of library to fits our needs at Dogstudio and we now finally released it!

    LuminJS : JavaScript library to Progressively Highlight Any Text

    LuminJS : JavaScript library to Progressively Highlight Any Text

    LuminJS is a JavaScript library to progressively highlight any text on a page.Great for when you want users to pay attention to some important text.
    It can also be used to show progress of a task − Read something while tasks are being completed.

    Markojs : JavaScript UI library

    Markojs : JavaScript UI library

    Markojs is a friendly (and fast!) UI library that makes building web apps fun. Marko provides an elegant and readable syntax for both single-file components and components broken into separate files.