Best jQuery Core Java Script Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Kalendae : A framework agnostic javascript date picker

    Kalendae : A framework agnostic javascript date picker with Demo

    Kalendae is an attempt to do something that nobody has yet been able to do: make a date picker that doesn’t suck. Kalendae provides the following features:

    1. Fully portable, no dependencies. No jQuery, no Prototype, no MooTools; just add the script and the stylesheet and you’re good to go.
    2. Fully and easily skinable. The default theme uses only one image file (a mask for the previous and next buttons), everything else is styled using CSS.
    3. Supports all modern browsers and IE8.
    4. Support single day, multiple day, or day range selection.
    5. Configurable number of months to be displayed at once.
    6. Can be displayed on the page as an inline widget, or attached to one or more input fields as a popup control.
    7. Can be attached to any page element, not just named elements.
    8. Configurable blackouts, defined either as an array of dates or via a callback function
    9. Output selected dates in a variety of formats

    Simile Widgets : JavaScript Interactive Timeline

    Simile Widgets : JavaScript Interactive Timeline

    Timeline is a JavaScript widget for creating interactive timelines. You can scroll through items featured in chronological order by using your mousewheel or by holding down your mouse button on the timeline and dragging left or right. Clicking on a dot, which represents an item in the time line, will reveal more information. Timeline is open source, released under the BSD license.

    Timeplot : Web Widget for Plotting Time Series Graph

    Timeplot : Web Widget for Plotting Time Series Graph

    Timeplot is a DHTML-based AJAXy widget for plotting time series and overlay time-based events over them (with the same data formats that Timeline supports).

    Add automatic area highlighting to image Maps with javascript : Mapper.js

    Add automatic area highlighting to image Maps with javascript : Mapper.js

    mapper.js allows you to add automatic area highlighting to image maps on your webpages (inc. export to SVG).

    List.js – Add search, sort and flexibility to plain HTML lists with jQuery

    List.js - Add search, sort and flexibility to plain HTML lists with jQuery

    Do you want a 9 KB cross-browser native JavaScript that makes your plain HTML lists super flexible, searchable, sortable and filterable? Yeah!
    Do you also want the possibility to add, edit and remove items by dead simple templating? Hell yeah!

    Adaptive Images with php and javascript

    Adaptive Images with php and javascript

    Adaptive Images detects your visitor’s screen size and automatically creates, caches, and delivers device appropriate re-scaled versions of your web page’s embeded HTML images. No mark-up changes needed. It is intended for use with Responsive Designs and to be combined with Fluid Image techniques.Features:

    • Works on your existing site
    • Requires no mark-up changes
    • Device agnostic
    • Mobile-first philosophy
    • Easy & powerful customisations
    • Up and running within minutes

    Dracula : JavaScript Graph Library

    Dracula : JavaScript Graph Library

    Dracula is a set of tools to display and layout interactive graphs, along with various related algorithms.No Flash, no Java, no plug-ins. Just plain JavaScript and SVG. The code is released under the MIT license, so commercial use is not a problem.

    Clipping JPEGs Freely With JavaScript : polyClip.js

    When we need to clip an irregular shape from an image and use it on the web, PNG is the most common answer as it is the only image format used by all web browsers that support alpha channels.However, PNG images come with a penalty of size (if the source is a photograph) compared to similar sized JPEGs.

    polyClip.js is a script, built on jQuery, that allows us to clip any image with imagemap coordinates using HTML5 Canvas.

    JavaScript library to zip and unzip files : Zip.js

    JavaScript library to zip and unzip files : Zip.js

    zip.js is a JavaScript library to zip and unzip files. Zip.js offers a low-level API for writing and reading large zip files (up to 4GB) with a stable RAM use. It also offers a Filesystem API in order to manipulate zip file structure.

    Use CSS4 parent selector right now with cssParentSelector.js

    Use CSS4 parent selector right now with cssParentSelector.js

    Have you ever wanted to select parent of an element in css without using any additional id or class? Well, now you can, just add this litle script to your code and you will be able to use parent selector like the one described in CSS4 reference.