Legra (Lego brick Graphics) is a small (3.36KB gzipped) JavaScript library that lets you draw using LEGO® like brick shapes on an HTML <canvas>
element. This library defines basic graphics primitives like lines, rectangles, polygons, ellipses, bézier curves, etc. All shapes are drawn either outlined or filled in.
Best jQuery HTML5 Plugins & Tutorials with Demo
LegraJS : Javascript Lego brick Graphics Library
ChatPro – All in One Chat on Any Social Plateform jQuery Plugin
ChatPro – All in One Chat on Any Social Plateform jQuery Plugin is an a modern responsive chat plugin build with HTMl, JS & CSS3.
- Chat support plugin that provides a quick and easy way to interact with your clients.
- JS, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap used to design hosting chat widget.
- All the codes are clean and well organized, You are able to easily edit/change/customize any style.
- These chat plugins are provided with 10 uniq designs, 8 color combination.
Zdog : A Pseudo-3D Engine for Canvas and SVG
Zdog is a 3D JavaScript engine for <canvas>
and SVG. With Zdog, you can design and render simple 3D models on the Web. Zdog is a pseudo-3D engine. Its geometries exist in 3D space, but are rendered as flat shapes.
Zdog uses the same principle. It renders all shapes using the 2D drawing APIs in either <canvas>
or <svg>
. Spheres are actually dots. Toruses are actually circles. Capsules are actually thick lines. It’s a simple, but effective trick. The underlying 3D math comes from Rotating 3D Shapes by Peter Collingridge.
ArtPlayer : Modern HTML5 Video Player
Artplayer.js is a modern and full featured HTML5 video player.
- Support
subtitles - Support video quality switching
- Support for custom
- Support
playback rate
,aspect ratio
,window fullscreen
orweb fullscreen
adjustment - Support integration with other dependencies, like:
- Support chrome native picture-in-picture mode, or custom picture-in-picture mode
- Support
in the progress bar - Support to maintain the original video ratio, adaptive size
- Support rich custom event monitoring, easy to expand
- Support for internationalization of controls
- Support for custom plugins
- Support local video preview
- Support subtitle time offset
melonJS : A fresh & lightweight HTML5 Game Engine
melonJS is an open source HTML5 game engine that empowers developers and designers to focus on content.The framework provides a collection of composable entities and support for a number of third-party tools.
- A fresh & lightweight 2D sprite-based engine
- Standalone library (does not rely on anything else, except a HTML5 capable browser)
- Compatible with most major browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, IE) and mobile devices
- Device motion & accelerometer support
- High DPI & auto scaling
- Multi-channel HTML5 audio support and Web Audio on supported devices
- Lightweight physics implementation to ensure low cpu requirements
- Polygon (SAT) based collision algorithm for accurate detection and response
- Fast Broad-phase collision detection using spatial partitioning
- 3rd party tools support for physic body definition (PhysicEditor, Physic Body Editor)
- Advanced math API for Vector and Matrix
- Tween Effects
- Transition effects
Ambient Canvas Backgrounds with HTML5 Canvas API
Today we’ll be exploring some ambient webpage background animations. The idea here was to create a collection of animations that are interesting to look at without being (too) distractive, and could be easily applied to the background of a webpage. Each animation is created using vanilla (es6+) JavaScript with the Canvas API.
Luna Multi Step Form with Javascript & PHP
Luna is a multiple steps form wizard for your potential customers and a HTML5 & CSS3 template. You can create reservation, questionarre or service form wizard easily, You can collect data from your customer with this amazing form wizard.
- Responsive Design
- Bootstrap Included
- Material Design
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3
- Color & Image Options
- Amazing Effects
- Google Web Fonts integrated
JointJS – JavaScript Diagramming Library
JointJS is a JavaScript diagramming library. It can be used to create either static diagrams or, and more importantly, fully interactive diagramming tools and application builders.Rappid is a diagramming framework for advanced applications, delivering the best of HTML 5 + SVG and providing you with the right tools to build outstanding products.
- basic diagram elements (rect, circle, ellipse, text, image, path)
- ready-to-use diagram elements of well-known diagrams (ERD, Org chart, FSA, UML, PN, DEVS, …)
- custom diagram elements based on SVG or programmatically rendered
- interactive elements and links
- connecting diagram elements with links
- customizable links, their arrowheads and labels
- links smoothing (bezier interpolation)
- magnets (link connection points) can be placed basically anywhere
- hierarchical diagrams
- serialization/deserialization to/from JSON format
- highly event driven – you can react on any event that happens inside the paper
- zoom in/out
- touch support