Best jQuery Games Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Sumon Math Game With jQuery

    jQuery Math Game

    In today post I want to share how I make a simple sumon math game based on JQuery, this game inspired by hyperandroid, this game it quite nice to practice your self concentration about math addition.

    This post will create that simple nice game, just to show that you can make it with simple jquery, please note that I only add the basic rule of the game, which are, we have to pick the total number that matched the appear random number thats all.

    gameQuery a game engine for jQuery

    jQuery Game engine

    gameQuery is a jQuery plug-in to help make javascript game development easier by adding some simple game-related classes. It’s still in an early stage of development and may change a lot in future versions.

    gameQuery has the following features:

    • multi layer-sprite animations
    • sprite hierarchies (grouping)
    • collision detection
    • swappable sound support
    • periodic callbacks
    • keyboard state polling
    • free and open source license

    JQuery Typing Game

    JQuery Typing Game

    Continue from my previous post, about detecting character in jquery, now try to some more sophisticated example, this game inspired by an old shark typing game, which is created by pop cap game, but it seems not available anymore.

    JQuery Simple Shooting Game

    I continue to doing a little experiment with jquery query effect, this time I’m using it to create very simple shooting game, the rules is really easy just shoot the enemy character…

    jQuery Typing Game with Demo

    Typing Game with jquery

    This is a simple typing game experimental using jquery. The main criteria here is to understand how to read Keyboard Character Codes and displaying its equivalent Character on to screen. You may notice so many bugs in live demo, because this program is not implemented fully as we concentrated on important code blocks only.

    jKill jQuery based Mob Game

    jKill jQuery based Mob Game

    Point and shoot game, kill presidents and prime ministers..

    jQuery Snakey game

    jQuery Snakey game plugin

    The famous snake game made with jQuery.Use the keyboard arrow keys to control the snake. Eat the specified amount of cherries to advance to the next level, without slithering into yourself or a wall. The speed and length of the snake will increase with every cherry eaten. The game ends when you have used up all your lives, or when you finish all levels.