Best jQuery Bootstrap Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    bs-wizard : jQuery wizard plugin based on Bootstrap

    bs-wizard : jQuery wizard plugin based on Bootstrap

    jQuery wizard plugin based on Bootstrap.Inspired by acc-wizard, this wizard is different from acc-wizard in a few ways:

    1. Source code is CoffeeScript;
    2. Not based on hash when move forward and backward in wizard;
    3. Not based on Bootstrap accordion;
    4. More events and utilize public methods.

    This plugin also includes a beautiful CSS file which is borrowed from acc-wizard, but this is absolutely optional, you can provide your own css style.

    Bootstrap Form Helpers : jQuery Plugins

    Bootstrap Form Helpers : jQuery Plugins

    Bootstrap Form Helpers is a collection of jQuery plugins to help you build better forms. The plugins can be used individually but some of them work together like Countries and States. The collection includes:

    • A custom select element
    • A country picker
    • A state picker
    • A currency picker
    • A phone input
    • A language picker
    • A timezone picker
    • A Google font picker
    • A date picker
    • A time picker
    • A font picker
    • A font size picker

    bootstrapValidator : jQuery plugin to validate form fields

    bootstrapValidator : jQuery plugin to validate form fields

    A jQuery plugin to validate form fields. Use with Bootstrap 3.

    Bootstrap Markdown : jQuery plugin for markdown editing

    Bootstrap Markdown : jQuery plugin for markdown editing

    Simple Markdown editing tools that works.Bootstrap-Markdown designed to be easily integrated with your bootstrap project. It exposes useful API that allow you to fully hook-in into the plugin.

    jQuery Bootstrap TouchSpin

    jQuery Bootstrap TouchSpin

    Bootstrap TouchSpin is a mobile and touch friendly input spinner component for Bootstrap 3.It supports the mousewheel and the up/down keys.

    Bootstrap Combobox : jQuery twitter Bootstrap Combobox plugin

    Bootstrap Combobox : jQuery twitter Bootstrap Combobox plugin

    A combobox plugin that works with twitter bootstrap.We had need of a combobox at work and after looking around at the available options I was not happy with any of them. The project had all it’s styling based on Twitter’s Bootstrap, so building on that made sense.

    Context.js : jQuery Contextual Menus with Twitters Bootstrap CSS

    Context.js : jQuery Contextual Menus with Twitters Bootstrap CSS

    Context.js is a lightweight solution for contextual menus. Currently, there are two versions.

    The first is to be used with Twitters Bootstrap (bootstrap.css specifically). If you do not use or want to use bootstrap.css, there is a standalone stylesheet to give the menu it’s base styles.


    • Linted: Valid JS
    • Can be used with or without Twitters Bootstrap.css
    • Event Based Links
    • Anchor Links
    • Headers
    • Dividers
    • Recursive Menus (infinite depth)
    • Vertical Space Detection (turns into a “dropup”)
    • Horizontal Space Detection (Drops to the left instead of right)
    • Add/Delete menus Dynamically

    jQuery Spin Edit for Twitter Bootstrap

    jQuery Spin Edit for Twitter Bootstrap

    A spin edit control for Twitter Bootstrap.Demo pages shows the spinedit control used in the different Twitter Bootstrap form layouts.

    You can use the following additional options to modify the behaviour of the spin edit control:

    • value: The initial value (default 0).
    • minimum: The minimum allowed value (default 0).
    • maximum: The maximum allowed value (default 100).
    • step: The amount that control uses to increase or decrease its vaule (default 1).
    • numberOfDecimals: The number of allowed decimals (default 0).

    Tabdrop.js : jQuery Tab drop for Bootstrap

    Tabdrop.js : jQuery Tab drop for Bootstrap

    Very usefull script when your tabs do not fit in a single row. This script takes the not fitting tabs and makes a new dropdown tab. In the dropdown there are all the tabs that do not fit.

    • works only with horizontal tabs and pills
    • custom text for the dropdown tab
    • works with responsive design

    Strapslide : jQuery Responsive Bootstrap Slider Plugin

    Strapslide : jQuery Responsive Bootstrap Slider Plugin

    Strapslide is the ultimate premium Bootstrap Slider Plugin offering the capability to show images, videos and captions paired with simple, modern and fancy 3D transitions. Even more important, it is fully responsive and mobile optimized and can take on any dimensions.


    • jQuery 1.7 – jQuery 2.x Supported
    • Based on Bootstrap
    • CSS3 Transition library
    • Touch Enabled
    • Responsive
    • Pause on Hover
    • Dynamic Pagination
    • Keyboard Navigation
    • HTML5 Support to play self hosted videos
    • Animation of each Caption element
    • Powerful CSS Transitions with jQuery FallBack
    • Adapts to Bootstrap spans
    • Set Fullscreen YouTube and Vimeo Videos