Best jQuery Bootstrap Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Tiny editable jQuery Bootstrap Spreadsheet

    Tiny editable jQuery Bootstrap Spreadsheet

    This tiny (3KB, < 120 lines) jQuery plugin turns any table into an editable spreadsheet. Here are the key features:

    • No magic – works on a normal HTML table (so you can plug it in into any web table)
    • Supports validation and change events (so you can warn about invalid input or prevent invalid changes)
    • Uses standard DOM focus for selection (so does not interrupt scrolling or tabbing outside the table)
    • Native copy/paste support
    • Does not force any styling (so you can style it any way you want, using normal CSS)
    • Works well with Bootstrap
    • Depends only on jQuery

    Alpaca : Easy HTML5 Forms for jQuery

    Alpaca : Easy HTML5 Forms for jQuery

    Alpaca is the Easy Forms Engine for jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap.

    It is built around JSON schema to keep things simple. Using Alpaca, you can express your forms object model, types, properties and validation logic. Forms rendered with Alpaca provide intuitive interfaces for your users while giving your business an assurance of data compliance.

    Alpaca comes pre-configured to work nicely with the following web frameworks:

    • jQuery
    • Twitter Bootstrap
    • jQuery UI
    • jQuery Mobile
    • Barebones (empty CSS)

    The Alpaca library is pre-packaged with controls, wizards, layouts, I18N support and pluggable template engines. We ship with support for jQuery Tmpl, EJS and Handlebars. Documentation and API information is provided so that you can extend Alpaca as you see fit.

    Bootstrap Growl : jQuery Notification Plugin

    Bootstrap Growl : jQuery Notification Plugin

    Pretty simple jQuery plugin that turns standard Bootstrap alerts into hovering “Growl-like” notifications.


    • Uses standard Twitter Bootstrap alerts which provides ‘info’, ‘error’, and ‘success’ styles.
    • Multiple growls called consecutively are stacked up one after another in a list.
    • Automatically fades growls away after a default of 4 seconds.

    Pines Steps : jQuery Steps (wizard) for Bootstrap

    Pines Steps : jQuery Steps (wizard) for Bootstrap

    Pines Steps is a JavaScript steps (wizard) plugin, developed by Angela Murrell as part of Pines. It is designed to provide an unparalleled level of flexibility, while still being very easy to implement and use.

    Pines Steps is useful for step-based transitions. We encourage the use of custom validation to show progression to users, so that the experience of completing linear tasks on the web is easier and user-friendly!

    jQuery Pagination plugin for Bootstrap

    jQuery Pagination plugin for Bootstrap

    This jQuery plugin simplifies the usage of Bootstrap Pagintion. It uses appropriate classes: .pagination (you change this one), .active and .disabled.

    Tabcordion.js : jQuery Plugin for Bootstrap tabs into Accordion

    Tabcordion.js : jQuery Plugin for Bootstrap tabs into Accordion

    Bootstrap Tabcordion is a simple jQuery plugin that transforms a set of Bootstrap tabs into a Bootstrap accordion. It can be configured to perform this transformation based on the size of the container or viewport to provide responsive awesomeness to your buzzword-rich UI.Useful for responsive mobile sites.

    jQuery Bootstrap Form Alerts

    jQuery Bootstrap Form Alerts

    A jQuery plugin for displaying Bootstrap form alerts via jQuery events.


    • Event based
    • Modeled after Bootstrap’s plugins
    • Automatic binding via html attributes.

    jQuery Bootstrap Color Picker Sliders

    jQuery Bootstrap Color Picker Sliders

    A Bootstrap 3 optimized advanced responsive color selector with color swatches in jQuery and support for human perceived lightness. Works in all modern browsers and on touch devices.

    jQuery Bootstrap-style Dropdowns

    jQuery Bootstrap-style Dropdowns

    Bootstrap-style dropdowns in jQuery with some added features and no dependencies.

    One of my favorite Boostrap plugins is dropdowns, but I had a bit of difficulty getting started with them. The docs say you can apply a dropdown to nearly any element, but they really seem to work best with Bootstrap’s navbar, tab, and pill components. Since I was retrofitting an app that was around long before Bootstrap, this wasn’t going to work for me. That and I was hoping to get a scrollable dropdown (with tips!) and a few other features out of the deal. Thus, this plugin was born.

    switch.js : Switch-like widget using bootstrap and jQuery

    switch.js : Switch-like widget using bootstrap and jQuery

    A lightweight switch-like widget using twitter bootstrap and jQuery. This is good for simulating states like on/off, user/admin etc.