Hemi into is a jQuery introduction (intro) plugin step by step.
Best jQuery Website Tour Plugins & Tutorials with Demo
SiteHelp.js : jQuery plugin for Interactive Site Help
SiteHelp.Js is a very helpful Javascript plugin made using jQuery to provide interactive site help. Sometimes it happens that a user visits a webpage and he totally helpless as where to navigate next. SiteHelp.js helps such users by navigating them to the important sections or html elements of a website and provide some help guidelines which they could have missed otherwise. It simply creates a virtual tour of the website.
FAQtoid : jQuery Automated Website Help System
FAQtoid is a simple free all-in-one help system for your website or web application. It reduces your support costs by giving visitors the tools to help themselves.
- FAQ with Live Search
Users see answers as they type. - Tours
Walk users through the parts of each page. - Video Gallery
Users can watch videos while staying on the webpage that a video explains. - Smart Email Form
Handles crazy and junk messages. Automatically includes detailed information about your user, what they were trying to do, and any errors on the page.
TourTip : jQuery Overlay Tour Plugin
TourTip is an interactive visual guide to elements on web pages.TourTip is a simple library for creating guided tours through your application. It’s better suited to complex, single-page applications than websites. Our main requirement was the ability to control the interface for each step. For example, a step might need count seconds before moving to the next step, or wait for the user to complete a task. TourTip gives you the ability to manage these parameters all at once or for each step separately.
Shepherd : Guide your users through a Tour of your App
Shepherd is a javascript library for guiding users through your app. It uses Tether, another open source library, to position all of its steps.
Tether makes sure your steps never end up off screen or cropped by an overflow. Try resizing your browser to see what we mean. Shepherd supports IE9+ and all modern browsers.
HawkEye Walkthroughs : jQuery Interactive Floorplan Tours
HawkEye is a unique and powerfull walkthrough plugin that allows you to quickly create interactive floorplan tours, itinerary packages, video game walkthroughs/Hint systems and much more.
- Responsive Walkthroughs
- Lightweight and Build for performance
- Character Movement Controls
- Quickly Build COmples Character Paths
- Easy to use and Highly Scalable
- Mobile and Touch Support
- Supports Invisible Travel Points