A minimalistic jQuery hierarchy select widget used for selecting hierarchy structures in a treeview format.This widget is used for transforming a hierarchy HTML lists with input’s into a hierarchial tree select tool. You can also call this widget with a structured JSON list and it will convert it to an HTML hierarchy select tool of those items.
Best jQuery Treeview Plugins & Tutorials with Demo
zTree : jQuery Tree Plugin
zTree is a multi-functional “tree plug-ins.” based on jQuery. The main advantages of zTree includes excellent performance, flexible configuration, and the combination of multiple functions.
- The code of zTree v3.x has been seperated according to the various functions. You can only load the code you need.
- zTree v3.x uses delay loading technique, which can easily load tens of thousands of nodes in seconds even in IE6 browser.
- Support for JSON data.
- Support for static and asynchronous data loading node.
- Replace the skin / custom icon flexibllly.
- Support extremely flexible checkbox or radio selection function.
- Flexible editing (add / delete / change / search) functions, such as drag and drop nodes,you can even drag and drop multiple nodes.
- To enhance performance, zTree transforms the js & css structure to provide excellent browser compatibility and make the development more easily
jQuery Horizontal Tree
jQuery Horizontal Tree is a jQuery plugin for visualising data in a tree structure. This plugin supports add, edit, delete functionality with ajax and also supports drag and drop for re-organisation of nodes.
A plugin that allows you to render structures with nested elements in a tree structure. To build the tree you need is to just make a single line call to the plugin and set parameter and supply the HTML element Id for a nested unordered list element that is representative of the data you’d like to display.
jQuery plugin : Treeview
jQuery Treeview is a lightweight and flexible transformation of an unordered list into an expandable and collapsable tree, great for unobtrusive navigation enhancements. Supports both location and cookie based persistence.
Provides some options for customizing, an async-tree extension and an experimental sortable extension.