jBox is a powerful and flexible jQuery plugin,taking care of all your modal windows, tooltips, notices and more.
Best jQuery Tooltip Plugins & Tutorials with Demo
Toolkit : Front-End UI toolkit built with HTML5, CSS3, jQuery
Titon Toolkit is a collection of very powerful user interface components and utility classes for the responsive, mobile, and modern web. Each component represents encapsulated HTML, CSS, and JavaScript functionality for role specific page elements.
Toolkit makes use of the latest and greatest technology. This includes HTML5 for semantics, CSS3 for animations and styles, Sass for CSS pre-processing, Grunt for task and package management, and powerful new browser APIs for the JavaScript layer.
Drop.js : Javascript and CSS library for Creating Dropdowns
Drop is a Javascript and CSS library for creating dropdowns and other popups attached to elements on the page. Drop uses Tether.js to efficiently position its elements.
- Drops automatically reposition on page resizes and scrolls, reorienting to stay in view.
- Drop uses GPU accelerated positioning to maintain 60fps scrolling, even with dozens or hundreds of drops on screen and complex animation
- Drops can be nested within other drops
- Drops can be attached to any of 12 attachment points on the target, or you can leverage the full power of Tether to position your drop anywhere.
- Drops can be configured to open when the user clicks or hovers.
popModal : jQuery plugin for Tooltips, Titles & Dialogs Modal
popModal is a jQuery plugin for showing tooltips, titles, modal dialogs and etc.
This library includes 5 components:
popModal – popup window, displayed near the parent element. Invoked by clicking on an element
notifyModal – notification popup, displayed on top of all elements. Invoked by event and hide after a certain time
hintModal – tooltip, displayed near the parent element. Invoked on mouse hover on an element and hide after element lost focus
dialogModal – modal dialog, displayed on top of all elements. Invoked by clicking on an element
titleModal – tooltip, displayed near the parent element, replace native title. Invoked on mouse hover on an element and hide after element lost focus
jqEasytooltip : jQuery Tooltip Plugin
jqEasytooltip is an easy and customizable jquery plugin, built in css3 and well-designed javascript. Easy to use and customize, and strong for advanced users. Only one class to initialize (Declarative init) with data attributes. Modern css3 open and close effects.
This plugin features a lot of design themes, css3 transition effects, and more than 300 icons from font awesome included for buyers. All customization can be handled via jQuery Options, HTML 5 data-attributes and CSS!
- 25 themes to choose and customizable
- More than 300 icons ready to use
- 10 pure CSS3 animations for appear and disapear
- Customizable events to show, hide, mousemove, enable, disable, etc..
- Declarative init, easy and fast
- Follow mouse or fixed position
- youtube, vimeo, googlemaps, etc… tooltip content
- collision window system
- And much more configurations!!
jQuery Logos Showcase Pro – Grid – Carousel – Perspective
Logos Showcase Pro contains 4 versions: Grid, Carousel (one by one), Carousel (Group) and Perspective. The last 3 versions have 2 skins: black & white. It allows you to easily display on your website: logos, clients, partners, sponsors, brands, portfolio items… you name it.
- touch screen navigation support for mobile
- responsive design – available parameter to disable responsive behaviour
- tooltip – available parameter to activate/deactivate the tooltip.
- border – you can set the border size and border color for active and inactive image.
- grayscale – available parameter to activate/deactivate the grayscale.
- auto-play – you can define the time (in seconds) until the auto scroll will take place. If you set it 0 the plugin will not auto play.
- external url link parameter for each image
- target parameter: _blank or _self
- multiple js options from where you can customize the plugin.
- you can insert multiple instances in the same page with the same skin or using a different skin.
jQuery Metro Tooltip with Cool Animations
Powerful jQuery Tooltip for your website.
– Lightweight (js 4 kb and css 28kb)
– Easy to set up
– Customizable
– Mac Retina Ready
– All the HTML colors
– Can hold custom HTML like links, images, iframes, Youtube Videos even Google Maps
– Sticky ones with a close icon.
– Inteligent autoposition if the tooltip don’t fit in the screen
– 24 different animation
– Can hold an small Icon
– Icon pack ready to use
– And more
Facebook Style Profile Info Tooltip using jQuery & CSS
Here I had explained a very basic version of facebook profile tooltip with all features they have asked.You can learn how to design a facebook style profile tooltip with cover page,profile picture, name, headline, add as friend & send message button..
You can use this script in your web & social networking projects with little customization.