Best jQuery Tooltip Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    GGtooltip.js : A jQuery Tooltip plugin

    GGtooltip.js : A jQuery Tooltip plugin

    It’s a simple jQuery tooltip plugin extended from Twitter Bootstrap’s tooltip plugin that supports 4 positions, background color, font color and border color without using images.


    • 4 Positions: top, right, bottom and left.
    • Unlimited background colors.
    • Unlimited font colors.
    • Different border color combinations based on background colors.
    • Supports different types of tooltip triggers such as click, hover, focus and manual.
    • Powered by HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery.

    Annotator Pro : jQuery Image Tooltips & Zooming

    Annotator Pro : jQuery Image Tooltips & Zooming

    Annotator Pro comes with a fully featured editor that you can use to customize the plugin. Get instant previews and tweak the settings until it’s just right.If you image needs to have zooming, Annotator Pro deliveres incredibly natural, physics-based panning and zooming. No need to click buttons, just use your mouse.Give your users the option to take a closer look. With the editor you can enable fullscreen support for a fully immersive experience.

    Tipso : jQuery Responsive Tooltip Plugin

    Tipso : jQuery Responsive Tooltip Plugin

    A Lightweight Responsive jQuery Tooltip Plugin.

    Points of Interest with CSS3 & jQuery

    Points of Interest with CSS3 & jQuery

    Use this resource to highlight the points of interest of your products. Just a click to open a brief description of each point, allowing your user to get a deep and fast understanding of your product features.

    jQuery Form Toolltip

    jQuery Form Toolltip

    This jQuery plugin allows you to add Tooltip calllout (with fadeIn fadeOut animation) to your form input controls.

    • You are able to specify the individual tooltip CSS
    • You are able to specify the fadeIn and fadeOut direction. Currently supporting Top, Bottom, Right and Left

    Airview : jQuery Bootstrap Image Tooltip

    Airview : jQuery Bootstrap Image Tooltip

    Airview is a Javascript plugin which displays single image as Bootstrap Tooltip. It requires Bootstraps Tooltip.js and JQuery.js to work, both of these plugins are provided.

    Tooltip Styles Inspiration with CSS3 & SVG

    Tooltip Styles Inspiration with CSS3 & SVG

    A small collection of various hover tooltip styles and effects for your inspiration. Using CSS transforms, border-radius and SVG shapes we can create modern looking and interesting tooltips.

    Tooltips are normally used for providing some kind of extra information and they can be found in almost every website. Those tiny little helpers offer a great opportunity to add some subtle and unique effects to any design. So today we want to show you some possibilities of showing those elements in style. We only use CSS transitions via hover and also some SVGs to create unique shapes.

    WebUI Popover jQuery Plugin

    WebUI Popover jQuery Plugin

    A lightWeight popover plugin with jquery ,enchance the popover plugin of bootstrap with some awesome new features. It works well with bootstrap ,but bootstrap is not necessary!


    • fast,lightweight
    • support more placements
    • auto calculate placement
    • close button in popover
    • multiple popovers in same page
    • different styles
    • support url and iframe
    • support async mode

    popconfirm : jQuery Bootstrap Popover Confirmation Plugin

    popconfirm : jQuery Bootstrap Popover Confirmation Plugin

    A simple action confirmation plugin for jQuery based on Twitter Bootstrap Popover.

    jQuery Validation Bootstrap Tooltip

    jQuery Validation Bootstrap Tooltip

    A drop in extension replacing error labels from jQuery Validation plugin with Twitter Bootstrap tooltips.