Best jQuery Tooltip Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Toolgif : Simple jQuery GIF Tooltip Plugin

    Toolgif : Simple jQuery GIF Tooltip Plugin

    Toolgif is a lightweight and very simple jQuery gif tooltip plugin. Also there area some options for customize tooltip.

    BootstrapX Clickover : jQuery Bootstrap Click Managed Popovers

    BootstrapX Clickover : jQuery Bootstrap Click Managed Popovers

    BootstrapX Clickover provides a Bootstrap extension to allow popovers to be opened and closed with clicks on elements instead of hover or focus.

    naoTooltips : jQuery Tooltip Plugin

    naoTooltips : jQuery Tooltip Plugin

    Tooltips made with jQuery and css.This plugin is available with various options like position, speed and delay.

    Target.js : JavaScript Library to make Images Interactive

    Target.js : JavaScript Library to make Images Interactive

    Target.js is a javascript library to choose targets elements and show the text who you want when the mouse hover the point.

    ImageLinks : jQuery Interactive Image

    ImageLinks : jQuery Interactive Image

    ImageLinks is a lightweight solution for creation interactive images. With this plugin you are able to easily make an interactive image for your site that empowers publishers and bloggers to create more engaging content by adding rich media links to photos.

    • 2 Predefined Themes – included 2 skins (default & dark), you can create your own theme containing custom colors, fonts, and effects by starting with a built-in themes and changing its settings
    • CSS3 Animations – over 100+ CSS3 animations are available to give some stunning effects
    • Build with LESS – LESS and CSS files included
    • Cross-Browser – supports for all major browsers, including touch-screen devices and mobile devices

    Tether : JavaScript library to make Absolutely Positioned Element

    Tether : JavaScript library to make Absolutely Positioned Element

    Tether is a JavaScript library for efficiently making an absolutely positioned element stay next to another element on the page. For example, you might want a tooltip or dialog to open, and remain, next to the relevant item on the page.

    Tether includes the ability to constrain the element within the viewport, its scroll parent, any other element on the page, or a fixed bounding box. When it exceeds those constraints it can be pinned to the edge, flip to the other side of its target, or hide itself.

    Popper.js : Easily position Tooltips & Popovers

    Popper.js : Easily position Tooltips & Popovers

    Popper.js is a library used to create poppers in web applications. Popper.js is built from the ground up to being modular and fully hackable customizable. It supports a plugin system you can use to add particular behaviors to your poppers.

    Balloon.css : CSS Tooltips

    Balloon.css : CSS Tooltips

    Balloon.css lets you add tooltips to elements without JavaScript and in just a few lines of CSS.

    Easypin : Simple Image Pinning Plugin

    Easypin : Simple Image Pinning Plugin

    Simple and fast image pinning plugin. There are dependencies with the library jQuery easing plugin.

    Nutip : jQuery Multi-Style Tooltip & Notification

    Nutip : jQuery Multi-Style Tooltip & Notification

    NüTip is a jQuery plugin that gives you several different styles to provide visitors with additional information.