Best jQuery Sorting Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    JQuery Animated Table Sort – REGEXP Friendly

    JQuery Animated Table Sort – REGEXP Friendly

    This plugin allows you to animatedly sort a table based on a particular column. It also supports sorting on REGEXP matches. You can also control whether row relationships are maintained, whether it sorts on ASCII or numeric and ascending or descending.

    An Awesome jQuery Plugin For Creating Magical Layouts – Isotope

    jQuery Plugin For Creating Magical Layouts – Isotope

    Isotope is an impressive jQuery plugin that enables us to sort items and create smart layouts.Using the plugin, any given list of items can be filtered with show/hide effects and they can be re-ordered with slick animations.The plugin’s layout features are very powerful as well. With a simple function, items can be converted into horizontal/vertical layouts or arranged intelligently within a grid and much more. And, all with nice animations.

    How to Mimic the iGoogle Interface with jQuery

    How to Mimic the iGoogle Interface with jQuery

    In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a customizable interface with widgets. The finished product will be a sleek and unobtrusively coded iGoogle-like interface, which has plenty of potential applications!

    First, let’s list exactly what we’ll be creating here and what features it’ll have:

    • This interface will contain several widgets.
    • Each widget can be collapsed, removed and edited.
    • The widgets can be sorted into the three seperate columns by the user (using a drag and drop technique).
    • The user will be able to edit the color and title of each widget.
    • Each widget can contain any amount of regular HTML content, text, images, flash etc.

    MobilySelect jQuery plugin

    mobilyselect jQuery plugun

    MobileSelect is jQuery plugin which sort the images with the help of tab menus ….