Best jQuery Sorting Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Muuri : Filterable & Draggable Grid Layouts with JavaScript

    Muuri : Filterable & Draggable Grid Layouts with JavaScript

    Muuri creates responsive, sortable, filterable and draggable grid layouts. Yep, that’s a lot of features in one library, but we have tried to make it as tiny as possible. Comparing to what’s out there Muuri is a combination of Packery, Masonry, Isotope and jQuery UI sortable.

    Bootstrap Sortable : jQuery Table Sorting Plugin

    Bootstrap Sortable : jQuery Table Sorting Plugin

    Bootstrap Sortable is a jQuery plugin to add sorting ablitiy to HTML tables with bootstrap styling.

    jQuery SortScroll : Sorting without Moving

    jQuery SortScroll : Sorting without Moving

    A simple jQuery plugin that allows you to reorder elements on a page by clicking a “up” or “down” button. The element being reordered stays still while the other elements scroll behind it. Great for big elements and on mobile where drag & drop is really not convenient.

    sortChildren : jQuery Sorting Plugin

    sortChildren : jQuery Sorting Plugin

    sortChildren is a jQuery plugin to sort child elements.

    jQuery Sortable Photos

    jQuery Sortable Photos

    jQuery Sortable Photos is a jQuery UI plugin that can display photos in a responsive, sortable grid.

    The photo grid is arranged in such a way that the height of the images in each row is consistent, and the images are resized to fill in the full width. The grid can optionally be configured to allow drag-and-drop sorting.

    StickySort : jQuery Plugin for Tables with Sticky Header

    StickySort : jQuery Plugin for Tables with Sticky Header

    StickySort is a jQuery plugin that creates sticky headers and columns on your tables, complete with the possibility to add a sortable functionality. This plugin was inspired by a recent task at work where I have to create sticky headers to allow users to orient themselves in large tables that, at many instances, fill the full height of the viewport.

    jQuery Sortable Tree Lists

    jQuery Sortable Tree Lists

    jQuery plugin to sorting lists also the tree structures. Smooth motion while dragging and scrolling.

    jQuery Table Sortable for Bootstrap3

    jQuery Table Sortable for Bootstrap3

    jQuery plugin for bootstrap 3 table’s sorting.

    vSort : jQuery Lists Sortable Plugin with Handle

    vSort : jQuery Lists Sortable Plugin with Handle

    vSort is a simple jQuery plugin for making lists sortable with a handle

    • less than 1.4kB including css
    • Tested in IE8, FireFox, Chrome

    WATable : jQuery Table plugin with Sorting, Paging, Filtering

    WATable : jQuery Table plugin with Sorting, Paging, Filtering

    A swiss army jQuery table plugin with filter, format, paginate and sort your data with ease and lightning speed.