Best jQuery Side Menu Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    SamsaraJS : Layout Animation library

    SamsaraJS : Layout Animation library

    SamsaraJS is a functional reactive library for animating layout. It provides a language for positioning, orienting and sizing DOM elements and animating these properties over time. Everything in SamsaraJS — from the user input to the rendering pipeline — is a stream. Building a user interface becomes the art of composing streams.

    LazeeMenu : jQuery Multi-level Sidebar Menu

    LazeeMenu : jQuery Multi-level Sidebar Menu

    LazeeMenu is a JQuery plugin that turns a nested unordered list of links into a vertical multi-level navigation menu. It is visually inspired by the menu on Github’s reference pages, but with support for an additional level. It support both links and standard text in the expandable menu items.

    Auto Inherit Bootstrap Theme Vertical Sidebar

    Auto Inherit Bootstrap Theme Vertical Sidebar

    It is a ready to use component in any bootstrap website. It consists of a vertical navigation menu based on css3 and jQuery.


    • Fully Resposive on all screens; Desktop, Tablet, Mobile
    • Same Code for all devices and platforms
    • Multiple Level Dropdown Menu (Unlimited)
    • Glyphicons – Bootstrap version 3.3.5
    • Inherit any theme look
    • Collapsible Mobile Menu

    cbFlyout : jQuery Responsive Navigation Plugin

    cbFlyout : jQuery Responsive Navigation Plugin

    cbFlyout is a responsive navigation jQuery plugin for developers to help them in their projects handling.

    Mobility : Framework for developing Mobile Applications

    Mobility : Framework for developing Mobile Applications

    Mobility is a super light weight HTML, CSS, and JS framework built on top of Bootstrap for developing mobile applications.


    • CSS Powered Transitions
    • Fixed Header and footer
    • Form Fields optimized for mobile
    • Tabs
    • Lists (with inifinite scrolling pagination both on top and on the bottom)
    • Modals
    • Popover Menus
    • Aside Menus
    • Notifications
    • Hero Image

    headerMessage : Pure CSS3 Slide Down Toggle Header

    headerMessage : Pure CSS3 Slide Down Toggle Header

    Pure CSS3, without javascript. Nice slide down toggle header message.

    Section Scroll : jQuery Scrollable Section Navigation

    Section Scroll : jQuery Scrollable Section Navigation

    Section Scroll is a lightweight jQuery plugin for automatically generating a side bullet navigation on your one page scrolling website. Click on the navigation to scroll smoothly through different sections, automatically selects the correct navigation items.

    Vertical Fixed Navigation with CSS & jQuery

    Vertical Fixed Navigation with CSS & jQuery

    A smart vertical navigation, with round indicators that turn into labelled icons when the user interacts with them.

    Material Design Slider Animation with CSS3

    Material Design Slider Animation with CSS3

    A Material Design inspired slider with effective communicating animations.Communication design is a mixed discipline between design and information-development which is concerned with how media intermission such as printed, crafted, electronic media or presentations communicate with people.

    Vertical Layout with Navigation

    Vertical Layout with Navigation

    Vertically scrolling sections of content with a slick mobile hamburger navigation.