Best jQuery Side Menu Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Hiraku.js : jQuery Offcanvas Menu Plugin

    Hiraku.js : jQuery Offcanvas Menu Plugin

    We made jQuery plugin called hiraku.js so that more people can use Offcanvas-menu functionality which is used in a CMS we make.


    • Not affected by the DOM structure.
    • Enable to open both right and left side menu.
    • Main canvas is not scrolled, while scrolling Offcanvas-menu.
    • Easy to control the movement
    • Accessible for keyboard navigation and screen readers.

    Ember Burger Menu : Off-canvas Sidebar

    Ember Burger Menu : Off-canvas Sidebar

    An off-canvas sidebar component with a collection of animations and styles using CSS transitions.


    • Easy to use & setup off-canvas menu
    • Mix and match from many menu & menu item animations
    • Control your menu from anywhere in your app
    • Swipe gesture support with changeable thresholds
    • Easily create your own animations

    Dropdown Sidebar Menu Responsive Bootstrap Navigation

    Dropdown Sidebar Menu Responsive Bootstrap Navigation

    Scoop Navigation Menu Consist of both Horizontal and Vertical navigation with customize options and themes. Its lightweight and compatible with almost all major browsers and devices. this plugin make more then 50 plus navigation view. It supports four levels sub menu with shrink, Overlay and push effect.

    Multi purpose Responsive Scoop Navigation supports multi navigation style like: Expanded, Compact, Collapsed, offcanvas, fullPage Menu , Full MegaMenu, Half MegaMenu and Search bar on navigation. Three new navigation style introduce in this plugin like ex-popover, Sub-Expanded and fulldrop Menu

    DROP : jQuery Responsive Dropdown Navigation

    DROP : jQuery Responsive Dropdown Navigation

    DROP is an awesome navigation jQuery plugin ready to use in any HTML page displayed on mobile phones, tablets and desktop devices.

    Mdstrap : jQuery Side Menu Plugin

    Mdstrap : jQuery Side Menu Plugin

    jQuery mdStrap plugin creates a side menu for smartphones or other handheld devices. It’s built based on Twitter Bootstrap’s framework version 4 (currently alpha 2).

    SlideBox : jQuery Animated Sliding Box

    SlideBox : jQuery Animated Sliding Box

    A simple light-weight jQuery plugin that makes a <div> (or another block element) moving from outside the page to one side of your choice when scrolling to a specific point.

    • uses .animate() with callback function
    • all directions are customizable
    • can be triggered when any DOMElement is visible or at any specific offset
    • closing option for the whole session on the page available

    WidgetPop : CSS Multipurpose Ready-made Popup Templates

    WidgetPop : CSS Multipurpose Ready-made Popup Templates

    WidgetPop is a modern intuitive HTML5 CSS3 multipurpose Popup to convert website visitors into prospect leads. The WidgetPop is responsive and works in all modern devices and browsers from mobile to desktop.

    • HTML5 + CSS3
    • Responsive Design
    • Easy Customisation
    • Unlimited Color schemes

    TabSlideOut.js : jQuery plugin to Create a side/top/bottom Tab

    TabSlideOut.js : jQuery plugin to Create a side/top/bottom Tab

    jQuery plugin to create tabs that slide out from the window edges to show a feedback form, contact form, notepad etc.

    Includes methods to programmatically interact with tabs, and events and handlers fire on open, close and bounce (bounce is used to attract attention to a tab).

    okayNav : jQuery Responsive Navigation Plugin

    okayNav : jQuery Responsive Navigation Plugin

    You know how navigations have only a desktop and a mobile state, right? I thought, “this might cost people money because it requires additional click for users to reach even the most important pages.”

    This navigation aims at progressively collapsing navigation links into an off-screen navigation instead of doing it for all the links at the same time.

    Bootsnav : Bootstrap Menu Multi Purpose Header

    Bootsnav : Bootstrap Menu Multi Purpose Header

    Bootsnav is a multi purpose header based with Bootstrap, you can build any header style with bootsnav only with a few minutes.