A webpage was created using XHTML Strict and CSS to house the implementation of a hand-coded jQuery shopping cart, without the use of plugins. The implementation of this jQuery cart features drag and drop functionality, updating the cart to reflect the items added to it and also updating the quanities without duplicating the item within the cart.
Best jQuery Shopping Cart Plugins & Tutorials with Demo
jCart : Ajax web cart based on jQuery & PHP
jCart is a free Ajax shopping cart that’s easy to install and customize.Based on jQuery and PHP, jCart handles visitor input without reloading the page and is fully functional even without javascript.
- PayPal checkout integration
- Simple integration with your site
- XHTML compliance
- 2KB of unobtrusive javascript
- Full functionality with javascript disabled
- Server side input validation
- Easy customization with your text and CSS
HTML5 Drag And Drop To Create A Shopping Cart
The release of HTML5 introduced native Drag and Drop functionality to modern web-browsers. This means it is now possible to have movable elements on screen without the aid of frameworks like jQuery. This week we’ll be taking advantage of the drag and drop functionality to create a basic shopping cart. The basic functionality we’ll cover, will be adding an item to the cart and if it already exists updating the quantity and totals.
Drag ‘n’ Drop Shopping Cart With jQuery UI
Drag ‘n’ dropping items has its various popular uses and shopping carts are definitely one of them.In this tutorial, we’ll be creating a simple shopping cart that works with drag ‘n’ drops.
It will have support for add-to-basket with quantity updates (so that the same items could be added more than once) and removing items from the basket. It will be totally client-side and cover the basic functionality (no PayPal integration, etc.).
For that, we’ll be using, probably the best drag-drop library, jQuery UI Draggable/Droppable in this tutorial.
Smart Cart : Feature rich jQuery plugin for Shopping Cart
Smart Cart is a flexible and feature rich jQuery plug-in for shopping cart. It makes the add-to-cart section of online shopping much easy and user friendly. It is compact in design, very easy to implement and only minimal HTML required.
The selected items in the cart are accessible as an array of product/quantity pair delimited with ‘|’ on submit form or when checkout event is triggered. Smart Cart 2 have a simple and compact design with tabbed interface to saves space.
Features (Smart Cart 2.0):
- Easy to implement, minimal HTML required
- Clean and compact design, tabbed design saves space
- Product search and Category filter enables easy and fast access to the product what users are looking for
- Automatically calculates subtotal and total
- Quantity is editable from the cart list
- Event support, custom Ajax feature and validation can easily implement using the events
- Product Image display and expanded tool tip display
- Can implement multiple cart on same page
- Template option, for easily customizing product display details
- Pre-populate products on cart on page load
Drag Drop Shopping Cart Using JQuery
There are a lot tutorial about creating drag and drop shopping cart, in this post I want to share my version still with JQuery, but the different is this example only shows the code on the client side, which mean all of data are hardcoded on the html, and counting price and total items will be handle by javascript.