Best jQuery SelectBox Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    jQuery Combobox plugin for Twitter Bootstrap

    jQuery Combobox plugin for Twitter Bootstrap

    Combobox plugin for Twitter Bootstrap, based on dropdown (which is compatible down to IE7).

    Select3 : jQuery light-weight Selection library

    Select3 : jQuery light-weight Selection library

    Select3 is a modular and light-weight selection library for jQuery and Zepto.js. It has the following benefits:

    * Rich UI. Select boxes made by Select3 have rich functionality, work out of the box and are customizable.
    * Modular. Select3’s modular approach is aimed to make it easy to create custom builds with just the features that you care about and to easily swap modules for custom ones.
    * Light-weight. Select3 is smaller than comparable selection libraries, even if you’re using the &full& build with all features packed in.
    * Compatibility. Select3 can be used with both jQuery and Zepto.js and is compatible with jQuery builds without Sizzle.

    DDlist : jQuery Styleable Dropdown List

    DDlist : jQuery Styleable Dropdown List

    DDlist is a small jQuery plugin that allows for a fully styleable dropdown list supporting list options with text, images, and possible additional description strings.

    The list is expected to be defined using a standard <select> element, which will be hidden by the plugin. The list is then ‘reconstructed’ by means of a jquery-generated <div> container.

    Image-Select : jQuery Select box with Image

    Image-Select : jQuery Select box with Image

    Image Select is an extension of Chosen a jQuery plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly. It provides image support for Single and Multi select HTML tags.

    SumoSelect : jQuery Single/Multi Select Plugin

    SumoSelect : jQuery Single/Multi Select Plugin

    A jQuery Single/Multi Select plugin which can be used on almost any device.A jQuery plugin that progressively enhances an HTML Select Box into a Single/Multiple option dropdown list. The dropdown list can be fully customiseable using siple css properties. It can adapt itself according to any deveice, keeping in mind that the User Experience is not broken.

    Selectator : jQuery based replacement for Select Boxes

    Selectator : jQuery based replacement for Select Boxes

    Selectator is a jQuery-based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, and affects the original select box directly, which is used as the data container.

    Flexselect: jQuery Selectbox plugin

    Flexselect: jQuery Selectbox plugin

    FlexSelect is a jQuery plugin that turns select boxes into flex-matching incremental-finding controls.

    Flex matching a few keystrokes against longer strings is a boon in productivity for typists. Applications like Quicksilver, LaunchBar, and Launchy have made this method of keyboard entry a popular one. It’s time to bring this same functionality to web controls. FlexSelect does that for select boxes.

    jQuery fontIconPicker Plugin

    jQuery fontIconPicker Plugin

    jQuery fontIconPicker is a small (1.58kb gzipped) jQuery plugin which allows you to include a simple icon picker with search and pagination inside your administration forms. The list of icons can be loaded manually using a SELECT field, loading an array of icons or directly from a Fontello config.json file.

    Immybox : jQuery Autocomplete Plugin

    Immybox : jQuery Autocomplete Plugin

    Immybox is a jQuery plugin to transform regular text boxes into autocompleting input boxes that act like select boxes.

    Selectric : jQuery plugin designed to stylizing HTML selects

    Selectric : jQuery plugin designed to stylizing HTML selects

    jQuery Selectric is a jQuery plugin designed to help at stylizing and manipulating HTML selects.


    • Keyboard navigation (Up/Down/Left/Right/Word search)
    • Easily customizable
    • Pretty lightweight (3KB minified and 1,7KB minified/gzip)
    • Options box always stay visible
    • Doesn’t rely on external libraries (besides jQuery)
    • Word search works with western latin characters set (e.g.: á, ñ, ç…)