Finally a dropdown plugin that transforms select inputs in nice dropdowns and does not drive you crazy.
Best jQuery SelectBox Plugins & Tutorials with Demo
Combo Select : jQuery Searchable Select Box
Converts a select box into a searchable and keyboard friendly interface. Fallbacks to native select on mobile and ipad devices.
- Search and filter select items
- Mobile and Tablet friendly (fallbacks to native select)
- Keyboard accessible
- Easily to style
- Data attribute support
- Support both numeric and string data types in select
- Supports implict
Selectivity.js : jQuery Modular and light-weight Selection library
Modular and light-weight selection library for jQuery and Zepto.js.
- Rich UI. Select boxes made by selectivity have rich functionality, work out of the box and are customizable.
- Modular. Selectivity’s modular approach is aimed to make it easy to create custom builds with just the features that you care about and to easily swap modules for custom ones.
- Light-weight. Selectivity.js is smaller than comparable selection libraries, even if you’re using the “full” build with all features packed in.
- Compatibility. Selectivity.js can be used with both jQuery and Zepto.js and is compatible with jQuery builds without Sizzle.
ParamQuery Select : jQuery Multi Select Plugin
PqSelect is a jQuery select plugin which converts ordinary multiple and single select lists into theme ready jQueryUI widget with support for grouping, disabled options, checkboxes for multiple select lists, radio buttons for single select lists, search box to search options, keyboard navigation and many options, methods and events.