Best jQuery Progress Bar Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Lobibox : jQuery Notification plugin

    Lobibox : jQuery Notification plugin

    Lobibox  is a responsive jQuery notification plugin.Lobibox is divided into two parts Messageboxes and Notifications.


    • Different color support
    • Possibility to show in any corners of the screen
    • Delay
    • Show delay indicator
    • Show with image
    • Sound support
    • Size support. You can show notifications of different size

    Mprogress.js : Progress linear Bar for Material Design

    Mprogress.js : Progress linear Bar for Material Design

    Material Progress —Google Material Design Progress linear bar. By using CSS3 and vanilla JavaScript.

    ToProgress : Lightweight Top Progress Bar

    ToProgress : Lightweight Top Progress Bar

    ToProgress is a lightweight, no-dependency top progress bar library.

    LoadGo : jQuery Progress Bar with Your Images

    LoadGo : jQuery Progress Bar with Your Images

    LoadGo is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create a progress bar by using your own images.

    • Perfect for logo image animation when user is waiting for something to be loaded (a website, retrieving information, updating status, etc.)
    • It creates an overlay above your desire DOM element and simulates a loading process using width calculations.

    Scrollgress : jQuery Progress Bar for Page Scroll

    Scrollgress : jQuery Progress Bar for Page Scroll

    A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin used to display a progress bar at the top of the page that fills up as the user scrolls.

    Shaded 3D Progress Bars with CSS/Sass

    Shaded 3D Progress Bars with CSS/Sass

    Today we’d like to show you how to create some pure CSS progress bars with a special 3D look. Consider this tutorial an advanced CSS exercise that will give you insight in a lot of interesting 3D properties and shading techniques. Creating UI components using only CSS will train your ability to think outside of the box and in this tutorial we will show you some tricks on how to create a more complex shape, use it as a progress bar and animate it.

    Elastic Progress with SVG & CSS

    Elastic Progress with SVG & CSS

    An elastic SVG progress loader based on the Dribbble shot “Download” by xjw and implemented with SVG and TweenMax.

    jQuery Progress Tracker

    jQuery Progress Tracker

    A small (2KB) jQuery plugin that creates a fixed progress indicator based on your content and allows linking between them.

    CircularLoader.js : Circular progress bar using HTML5 & jQuery

    CircularLoader.js : Circular progress bar using HTML5 & jQuery

    CircularLoader.Js is a jQuery plugin made using HTML5 and javascript to create customizable cicular progress bars with or without percentage values. It can be used to create a progress indicator. It is a fully customizable plugin which works with all browsers compatible with HTML5. It is a very easy to integrate and easy to use plugin.

    Nanobar.js : Lightweight Progress Bar

    Nanobar.js : Lightweight Progress Bar

    Very lightweight progress bars (~630 bytes gzipped). No jQuery needed.

    Compatibility: iE7+ and the rest of the world