Best jQuery Preloader Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Page Preloaders – jQuery Plugin with Preload Animations

    Page Preloaders - jQuery Plugin with Preload Animations

    This jQuery plugin allows you to add Animation or Logo Preloader to your website’s pages. Preloaders display the loading animation, while the content of your web page is being loaded and they can be a great way to make the waiting a bit less boring for the website visitor.


    • Display the Preload Animation or your own Logo
    • 11 Preload Animations to Choose
    • Set the Minimum Display Time, to Prevent the Preloader from Disappearing too Fast
    • Customize Size, Colors, Background, Opacity, etc.
    • Plugin Works with Desktop Computers, Tablets and Phones

    Text-Spinners : Pure CSS Inline Loading Indicators

    Text-Spinners : Pure CSS Inline Loading Indicators

    Pure text, CSS only, font independent, inline loading indicators.

    nPageLoader : jQuery Preloader Plugin

    nPageLoader : jQuery Preloader Plugin

    Created to implement the Progress page loading easier.Load the image for obtaining the speed check internet speed.Progress must implement a page to load , based on the amount of that speed.

    Prelodr : Preloader inspired in Google Inbox

    Prelodr : Preloader inspired in Google Inbox

    A simple Material preloader with javascript inspired in Google Inbox.

    CircletPreloader jQuery Plugin

    CircletPreloader jQuery Plugin

    CircletPreloader is a small jQuery plugin that for as circular loading animations show depict the state of charge of various HTML DOM elements as a percentage.
    The aim was to get along with as few KB, while flexibility as regards the possibilities for the representation of the loading animations. The minifie JavaScript file is only 2, 74 KB hard and needs no other and / or external JavaScript libraries. One can CircletPreloader even without jQuery use and is therefore completely independent. Using various parameters can be the loading animations individualize a large scale.

    Circular HTML5 Preloader

    Circular HTML5 Preloader

    A clever preload will make the difference between an ordinary user experience and a smooth ride into your content. Enhance your project with Circular HTML5 Preloader. It’s completely rendered and animated in SVG with a small footprint.

    • 3 Different Draw Methods
    • Smooth SVG Animations
    • Autoload function
    • Optional Percentage
    • Cache busting
    • Over 30 Options
    • Customizable CSS3 Transitions
    • SVG Glow Filter Effect
    • Javascript Callbacks

    PleaseWait.js : JavaScript beautiful Splash page Library

    PleaseWait.js : JavaScript beautiful Splash page Library

    A simple library to show your users a beautiful splash page while your application loads.

    jQuery LoadingOverlay

    jQuery LoadingOverlay

    A flexible loading overlay jQuery plugin.

    • Shows a loading overlay on the whole page or over single DOM elements
    • Tracks a “counter” (or a queue) to allow multiple calls on single target
    • Can auto resize according to its container (very useful if used over a DOM element being filled meanwhile)
    • Completely configurable
    • No external CSS, small footprint

    Loaders.css : Pure CSS Loading Animations

    Loaders.css : Pure CSS Loading Animations

    A collection of loading animations written entirely in css. Each animation is limited to a small subset of css properties in order to avoid expensive painting and layout calculations.

    30 CSS Page Preload Animations

    30 CSS Page Preload Animations

    30 CSS page preload animations that used only CSS for the animation, jQuery was used just to hide the animation. You can hide the loading screen just by clicking anywhere on the screen.

    Those animations are best suited for content that takes some time to load like an image gallery.