Best jQuery Mega Menu Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    jQuery Responsive Megamenu with CSS3

    jQuery Responsive Megamenu with CSS3

    Responsive Megamenu is a menu component based in CSS and Javascript code. It can be used like a dropdown navigation, megamenu navigation or both. It’s has a responsive and fluid layout.


    • 11 Styles
    • Javascript/CSS3 effects
    • Grid system
    • Responsive layout
    • Fluid layout
    • Collapsible
    • Major browsers compatible

    Vertu : Simple Mega Menu with jQuery, Html5 & CSS3

    Vertu : Simple Mega Menu with jQuery, Html5 & CSS3

    Vertu – Simple Mega Menu is simple and easy mega menu with many functions.


    • Multi-Functional Menu
    • 4 levels drop down horizontal menu
    • Easy to change structure via CSS
    • Simple menu construction
    • Metro Style Menu
    • Cross Browser Support
    • Clean Code
    • Include HTML5/CSS3 and JavaScript file
    • Beautiful Contact Form

    jQuery-menu-aim : jQuery Responsive Mega dropdowns like Amazon’s

    jQuery-menu-aim : jQuery Responsive Mega dropdowns like Amazon's

    menu-aim is a jQuery plugin for dropdown menus that can differentiate between a user trying hover over a dropdown item vs trying to navigate into a submenu’s contents.

    menu-aim assumes that you are using a menu with submenus that expand to the menu’s right. It will fire events when the user’s mouse enters a new dropdown item and when that item is being intentionally hovered over.

    jQuery Mega Drop Down Menu Plugin

    jQuery Mega Drop Down Menu Plugin

    This plugin creates horizontal mega menus from standard HTML nested lists, allowing users to view all available menu options for each top-level menu item. There are several plugin options available …

    jQuery Vertical Mega Menu Plugin

    jQuery Vertical Mega Menu Plugin

    This plugin creates vertical mega menus from standard HTML nested lists, allowing users to view all available menu options for each top-level menu item.

    There are several plugin options available for customising the mega menu:

    • Choose animation effect for the flyout menu – show/hide, fade in or slide
    • Set animation speed
    • Set number of sub-menus per row
    • Display the flyout mega menu on the left or right depending on the menu position

    jQuery Mega Select List with Demo

    The jQuery Mega Select List is a plugin that converts large select lists into a mega-menu style list of options. This plugin doesn’t affect your form, posting back the selected value as if the options were being selected in a normal select list. You can animate the mega-select-list using CSS as per this example, or you can have it constantly expanded instead. You can set up the mega-select-list to allow single or multiple selections and in multiple mode can optionally limit the number of selections.