Philter is an open source JavaScript plugin that allows you to control CSS filters through HTML attributes counting on hover event triggered effects.
Best jQuery Image Hover Effect Plugins & Tutorials with Demo
Interactive Room Display with JavaScript & CSS
Today we’d like to share a little experiment based on a Dribbble shot by Bilal Mechairia’s, called “Spaces”. The idea is to show an interactive room with several items that all float in 3D space and move according to the position of the mouse. Once an item is clicked, more details pop up. Navigating between the room “slides” will rotate the different wall sections and add some interesting dynamic to the whole thing.
Hover Effects Builder – WordPress Plugin
- Apply CSS3 hover effects to the images on your website without any CSS coding knowledge.
- Assign any of predefined effects to featured images for standard and custom post formats.
- Create your own hover effects with unlimited variations of styles and colors in our Editor.
- Combine different effects to create unique animation hover effects.
- Apply fully customizable shortcode to any image in WordPress Post/Page Editor.