Best jQuery History Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    jQuery fullContent : Enables fully websites

    jQuery fullContent : Enables fully websites

    jQuery full content enables fully websites.


    • Create fully containers with width and height of window
    • Dynamic position: Each container could have vertical and horizontal position set
    • History hash in URL
    • Scroll animation between containers
    • Simple configuration and easy use

    History.js : HTML5 History/State APIs with jQuery

    History.js : HTML5 History/State APIs with jQuery

    History.js gracefully supports the HTML5 History/State APIs (pushState, replaceState, onPopState) in all browsers. Including continued support for data, titles, replaceState. Supports jQuery, MooTools and Prototype. For HTML5 browsers this means that you can modify the URL directly, without needing to use hashes anymore. For HTML4 browsers it will revert back to using the old onhashchange functionality.

    Kool Swap : Ajax load support for websites with jQuery

    Kool Swap : Ajax load support for websites with jQuery

    Kool Swap enables impressively ajax page load support with history for websites. Just tell the plugin what should be switched and what are the triggers and swap pages in a nice way!

    jQuery Address : Deep linking for the masses

    jQuery Address : Deep linking for the masses

    The jQuery Address plugin provides powerful deep linking capabilities and allows the creation of unique virtual addresses that can point to a website section or an application state. It enables a number of important capabilities including:

    • Bookmarking in a browser or social website
    • Sending links via email or instant messenger
    • Finding specific content using the major search engines
    • Utilizing browser history and reload buttons

    jQuery Push-state Navigation plugin

    jQuery Push-state Navigation plugin

    Enable the new push-state navigation in your web site.This plugin enables the new html5 history API on your web site.

    FastLinks : jQuery Load all content with ajax

    FastLinks : jQuery Load all content with ajax

    FastLinks is a library which allows you to load the links on your website with ajax calls. With this library your website will load a lot faster. This library uses jQuery and the html5 history API. (The history api works in all browsers except IE, but the library works in all browsers. The only is that the url in the navigation bar updates in all browsers but IE). This plugin is tested in: IE7, IE8, IE9, Chrome 23, Firefox 15, Safari 5 and Opera 12.

    Ajaxml : The new standard to implement AJAX with jQuery

    Ajaxml : The new standard to implement AJAX with jQuery

    AjaxML was designed to decrease development time of Ajax requests, as it was measured to reduce development time upto 60% from time consumed using normal jQuery ajax.We take care of forms submitting with Ajax as hyperlinks. We know that you need ajax uploading to be easy and without using many third-party libraries. AjaxML does the job along.

    One of the problems of ajax requests is bookmarking feaure loss, and broswer history support is another headache. Using AjaxML, you can just mention what is the hash value for your link,
    and that’s it.

    jQuery History : Simple History Handler/Remote for Hash with Demo

    jQuery History : Simple History Handler/Remote for Hash with Demo

    jQuery History allows you to easily track changes of the pages state by tracking URL Hashes. Supports changes triggered by bookmarks and back & forward buttons, as well as cross browser support.

    • Tracks state changed within your application. States can be changed by the user via modification of the Page URL’s Hash (everything after the # in the URL), or via you manually in your code.
    • Is able to detect all the possible ways a page’s state can change. These can be via links in your code, back-forward buttons in your browser, manual modification of the URL’s hash, using bookmarks that contain hashes, and finally refreshing a page with a hash.
    • Routinely tested in all major browsers before each release. Explicitly it has been tested in IE6 and above, Firefox 2 and above, Safari 2 and above, Chrome 1 and above, and Opera 8 and above.
    • Allows you to bind handlers to state changes within your web application. Eg. $.History.bind('myState',function(state){});
    • Allows you to trigger a state change manually within your code. Eg. $.History.go('myState');
    • Allows you to trigger a state handler manually within your code, such that the state is not recorded. Eg. $.History.trigger('myState')
    • Allows for easy integration with Ajax Applications via the use of jQuery Ajaxy.