Best jQuery Fullscreen Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Simple jQuery fullscreen image gallery

    Simple jQuery fullscreen image gallery

    A fullscreen image gallery made with jQuery and CSS. The gallery features fullscreen images in various modes and custom thumbnail scrolling script.

    jQuery Fullscreen Responsive Lightbox Gallery

    jQuery Fullscreen Responsive Lightbox Gallery

    This is a beautiful Jquery Fullpage Lightbox Plug-in. It’s great for photographers and perfect for any designer to showcase their work and it is very reliable. It works on modern browsers and it is easily managable. This Jquery is a full responsive gallery and it adjusts on all screens, even your smart phone! You can add DIV elements and adjust your dive using the CSS. It has a unique and new design to it with retro rectangles and stylish squares.

    The photos turn from black-and-white to colors after hovering your mouse over them also. The descriptions of the photo appear on the right side of the picture. This is probably the easiest Jquery you will ever use! Have fun and continue designing!

    Fullscreen Site Navigation with jQuery & Html5

    Fullscreen Site Navigation with jQuery & Html5

    FSN (Fullscreen Site Navigation) is a JavaScript plugin that lets to build in the easy and quick way a fullscreen website.FSN can be integrated into any cms or website template: it provides only the structure and the algorithm to make it work, the rest is on the designer hand.So you can understand that it’s very flexible and it adapts to any user requirement.


    • Html5 structure
    • Menu system navigation
    • Keyboard navigation
    • Arrows navigation
    • Dots navigation
    • Url navigation
    • Ajax content
    • Scrollbar customization
    • Adaptive layout
    • Configuration file
    • IE6 Alert
    • Background image
    • Cross Browser
    • Cross Device

    SimpleSlide : A jQuery slideshow plugin

    SimpleSlide : A jQuery slideshow plugin

    The package is based around the way you already build your website, so you don’t have to retain swaths of arbitrary knowledge to use it on a regular basis. With the little markup you need to add to your site, you get a full featureset, like the ability to put whatever data you want within the slide window, even mixed types, a proportionally-correct status display that configures itself, fullscreen display and swipe functionality. Add some slick usability
    to your site with a plugin that’s fun and easy to use. And if you have any other questions, I’ll be happy
    to help you out.

    SuperBGImage : jQuery Scaled fullscreen wallpapers and stuff

    SuperBGImage : jQuery Scaled fullscreen wallpapers and stuff

    Inspired by the website GOTOCHINA and jQuery Supersized by Sam Dunn, I have a jQuery plugin SuperBGImage created. For a recent project I had to adjust the Supersized plugin and integrate it into a REDAXO page. Since there was not much left of the original code, and some problems have occurred (performance), I decided right here own jQuery plugin to tinker.


    • automatically scaled images on the browser size while respecting the original aspect ratio
    • Slideshow possible
    • different transition effects
    • Preload the images
    • different resolutions are supported (portrait / landscape, etc.)
    • Representation can also be inline in a DIV container
    • Callbacks onShow, onHide, onClick, OnMouseEnter, OnMouseMove and OnMouseLeave
    • Random, random effect

    JackBox : jQuery Responsive Lightbox

    JackBox : jQuery Responsive Lightbox

    JackBox is a Responsive Lightbox with Real Social Sharing.


    • Responsive / Mobile Ready
    • Retina Ready Graphics
    • Share any item through Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Google+
    • Deep-linking, every item has it’s own unique link
    • Touch Swipe for Mobile Devices
    • Genuine Fullscreen for Firefox and Chrome
    • Group any items together and create item categories
    • Youtube Video w/ Mobile Fallback
    • Vimeo Video w/ Mobile Fallback
    • Automatic Youtube and Vimeo thumbnail loading
    • HTML5 Video w/ Flash backup
    • HTML5 Audio w/ Flash backup
    • Flash Video w/ Mobile Backup
    • Load HTML Divs, iFrames and Google Maps
    • A boatload of Custom Thumbnail Hovers and Tooltips
    • CSS3 Preloader for smoother animation

    Vertical Showcase Slider with jQuery and CSS Transitions

    Vertical Showcase Slider with jQuery and CSS Transitions

    In this tutorial we will create a very simplistic and responsive product slider for an online store or a portfolio. The idea is to have different sections in a fullscreen view: the image or preview, a navigation and the description. When navigating through the items, we will slide the preview section and the section with the description in opposite directions. The idea for this kind of “opposite” transition comes from the beautiful website of the National LGBT Museum which moves the left and right side in the same manner when navigating or scrolling the page.

    Fresco : A beautiful responsive jQuery lightbox

    Fresco : A beautiful responsive jQuery lightbox

    Fresco is a beautiful responsive lightbox. It can be used to create stunning overlays that work great at any screen size, in all browsers on every device.In fact, Fresco in the first truly responsive lightbox. Give the demonstrations a try to see what that means, make sure to adjust your screen size (or rotate your device).

    To make things even more awesome Fresco comes with fullscreen zoom, retina-ready skins, Youtube and Vimeo integration for HTML5 video and a powerful Javascript API.

    Ken Burns : jQuery Slider Effect Fully Responsive

    Ken Burns : jQuery Slider Effect Fully Responsive

    Ken Burns a jQuery Sliders Full Collection comes in 4 versions: Fixed Dimensions, Full Width, Full Screen and SideBar banners/Mini-Galeries. Please see the features and check the live preview of this slider and convince yourself of its quality.

    Ken Burns Sliders Full Collection includes 4 versions:

    – Fixed Dimensions Slider
    – Full Width Slider
    – Full Screen Slider (it can be used as FullScreen Background or Fullscreen Gallery)
    – SideBar Sliders/Mini-Galeries

    MaxImage 2.0 : jQuery Fullscreen Background Slideshow plugin

    MaxImage : jQuery Fullscreen Background Slideshow Plugin

    Your site looks impressive when it displays a slideshow background image in the wind and Maximage makes it possible for you.MaxImage 2.0 uses the slideshow power from jQuery Cycle Plugin and allows you to utilize all of the options from Cycle but now for a background slideshow.

    MaxImage 2.0 determines whether your browser can use CSS3′s background-size:cover. If it can, it uses it as to limit the amount of heavy lifting that jQuery has to do. That means the majority of your users will have a slim and smooth experience. That is so important with large image animations as it is. (still working on optimizing) If CSS3 is not available it falls back to the old way of sizing and centering background images.