fakeLoader.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that helps you create an animated spinner with a fullscreen loading mask to simulate the page preloading effect.
Best jQuery Fullscreen Plugins & Tutorials with Demo
jQuery Color Picker
This minimal plugin allows you to easily and simple to display a color picker on your website. You can easily just copy and paste the one liner code, or get into some more of the detailed configuration.
- Replace all colors by your own favorite color
- Custom colors append to Colors list
- Insert HEX color code directly
- Customizing to use data-* attributes
- External JSON supported
- Fullscreen mode
- Mobile friendly
- Picker window Alignment
FilmRoll : jQuery Carousel Plugin
FilmRoll is a lightweight jQuery carousel (12 kb minified) that focuses on one item at a time, centering it in the view, regardless of the relative sizes of the carousel items.
- Centers one item at a time in the view
- Uses css classes for easy styling / transitions
- Provides previous / next buttons and pagination automatically
- Defaults to auto scroll with pause on hover
- Supports full screen usage
- Swipe movement if TouchSwipe is present
DV Gallery : Responsive WordPress Gallery Plugin
DV Gallery is a premium responsive wordpress gallery plugin. There are 3 main gallery style. Blog style, carousel style and grid style. You can use any of them to display your galleries. You can change all colors, font sizes, spacings etc. from powerful plugin settings panel.
- Fully responsive clean design
- All Colors,font sizes,spacings,icons etc. are changable via plugin settings panel
- 3 different gallery style. Blog style (pagination is available), carousel style (autoplay is available) and grid style (filter menu is available)
- Fullscreen Responsive, Touch-Friendly and mobile optimized image and video galleries.
- Touch enabled responsive carousels.
- 6 custom gallery widget
- 6 custom gallery shortcode
- Bulk image upload is available
- You Tube and Vimeo video support
Simple Morphing Search with CSS3 & JS
Today we’d like to share a simple morphing effect with you. The idea is to have a search input in the upper right corner of the page and once the input is clicked, the whole search element expands to a fullscreen overlay. The fullscreen overlay has a bigger search input and some elements for showing related items or the search results. Note that we just made a dummy that does not actually search dynamically.
Modern HTML5 Responsive Youtube Playlist Player
This is a responsive video player to play YouTube playlists. You can enter a YouTube playlist id, channel id or an array of video ids as playlist source.
- Enter a Youtube Playlist, Channel, or array of Video ID’s.
- Newest YouTube API V3
- Native Fullscreen Support for Major Browsers
- Fully Responsive
- Works on Mobile Devices
- Custom Player Controls
- Automatically show/hide playlist
- Continuous Play & Autoplay
- Social Sharing Buttons (Facebook, Twitter Google+)
- Many Options More, like: max results, first video, annotations, fullscreen, volume, extra player vars, etc