Best jQuery Form Submit Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Animating Colored Ajax Comments with jQuery

    Animating Colored Ajax Comments with jQuery

    There are plenty of social networking websites today where you can find dynamic Ajax-based comments. This system is more usable because you don’t need to refresh the page every time you post something new. However setting up a whole database for user comments from scratch can be difficult.

    In this tutorial I want to look at using jQuery just for animating custom comments. The form will submit each post anonymously and won’t save anything to a local database. The effects are only for show – but you can easily adopt the dynamic code into a system such as WordPress, vBulletin, Joomla!, or even your own custom backend.

    Smart Cart : Feature rich jQuery plugin for Shopping Cart

    Smart Cart : Feature rich jQuery plugin for Shopping Cart

    Smart Cart is a flexible and feature rich jQuery plug-in for shopping cart. It makes the add-to-cart section of online shopping much easy and user friendly. It is compact in design, very easy to implement and only minimal HTML required.

    The selected items in the cart are accessible as an array of product/quantity pair delimited with ‘|’ on submit form or when checkout event is triggered. Smart Cart 2 have a simple and compact design with tabbed interface to saves space.

    Features (Smart Cart 2.0):

    • Easy to implement, minimal HTML required
    • Clean and compact design, tabbed design saves space
    • Product search and Category filter enables easy and fast access to the product what users are looking for
    • Automatically calculates subtotal and total
    • Quantity is editable from the cart list
    • Event support, custom Ajax feature and validation can easily implement using the events
    • Product Image display and expanded tool tip display
    • Can implement multiple cart on same page
    • Template option, for easily customizing product display details
    • Pre-populate products on cart on page load

    Ajaxml : The new standard to implement AJAX with jQuery

    Ajaxml : The new standard to implement AJAX with jQuery

    AjaxML was designed to decrease development time of Ajax requests, as it was measured to reduce development time upto 60% from time consumed using normal jQuery ajax.We take care of forms submitting with Ajax as hyperlinks. We know that you need ajax uploading to be easy and without using many third-party libraries. AjaxML does the job along.

    One of the problems of ajax requests is bookmarking feaure loss, and broswer history support is another headache. Using AjaxML, you can just mention what is the hash value for your link,
    and that’s it.

    jQuery Dirty Forms : Save your users from losing their data

    jQuery Dirty Forms : Save your users from losing their data with Demo

    Dirty Forms is a flexible jQuery plugin to help prevent users from losing data when editing forms.

    Dirty Forms will alert a user when they attempt to leave a page without submitting a form they have entered data into. It alerts them in a modal popup box, and also falls back to the browser’s default onBeforeUnload handler for events outside the scope of the document such as, but not limited to, page refreshes and browser navigation buttons.

    Jeditable – Edit In Place Plugin For jQuery

    Jeditable – Edit In Place Plugin For jQuery

    Hi! My name is Jeditable and I am inplace editor plugin for jQuery. With few lines of JavaScript code I allow you to click and edit the content of different html elements. I am based on Dylan Verheul’s editable.Normal flow is this. User clicks text on web page. Block of text becomes a form. User edits contents and presses submit button. New text is sent to webserver and saved. Form becomes normal text again.

    Submit Form without Refreshing Page with Jquery and ajax

    Submit Form without Refreshing Page with Jquery and ajax

    This post helps you to submit your form without refreshing page. In this tutorial I will show you how simple it is to do using jQuery form plugin just five lines of JavaScript code, no need to post data string values via ajax. Explained collaboration with validate plugin for implementing form field validations.

    Ajax Image Upload without Refreshing Page using Jquery

    Ajax Image Upload without Refreshing Page using Jquery

    Are you looking for ajax file/image upload and preview without refreshing page using Jquery. I had implemented this ajax form submitting using jquery.form plugin and used  image cropping PHP code for uploading images. Just five lines of JavaScript code, Using this you can upload files, image and videos.

    Zurb jQuery Ajax Upload

    We ditch the upload button in favor of a save button and fire the AJAX upload event as soon as a file is selected. The image is processed server side and a thumbnail is loaded onto the existing page. Dosen’t that feel so much better?

    We now have a visual representation (imagine that) of the image we selected. This is particularly useful in larger forms when many fields will be submitted with a single action. It allows the user to review the form before pressing save and see what image (or images) they selected.

    Dynamically adding form inputs and submit using jQuery

    Dynamically adding form inputs and submit using jQuery

    You may find a need to allow the user to dynamically add or remove text inputs from your application. This is relatively easy to do using jQuery and using arrays to submit the form data to a PHP page. This tutorial runs through setting up the form with the controls to add, remove and reset the form fields as well as preparing the form variables to be sent using AJAX.