Best jQuery Fixed Header Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Revealing Hero Effect with CSS & JavaScript

    Revealing Hero Effect with CSS & JavaScript

    In this tutorial, we will show how to create a section that reveals its content when the previous element scrolls away.

    Shy Header : jQuery Animated Sticky Header Plugin

    Shy Header : jQuery Animated Sticky Header Plugin

    A simple, light-weight and easy-to-use jQuery Plugin that shows/hides the header of the page when users scroll the page down more than its height. However, the header remains watching the page so when users scroll the page up its being showed.

    Stickybits : Lightweight Alternative to Position Sticky Polyfills

    Stickybits : Lightweight Alternative to Position Sticky Polyfills

    Stickybits is a lightweight alternative to position: sticky polyfills. It works perfectly for things like sticky headers.

    Heads-Up.js : JavaScript Sticky Headers

    Heads-Up.js : JavaScript Sticky Headers

    Heads-Up.js is a javascript sticky headers that hide on scroll.

    Tacky : A simple jQuery Sticky Menu

    Tacky : A simple jQuery Sticky Menu

    A simple jQuery sticky menu.Take your nav and stick it up your page.

    TableHeadFixer : jQuery plugin for Fix HTML Tables Header

    TableHeadFixer : jQuery plugin for Fix HTML Tables Header

    TableHeadFixer is a simple jQuery plugin for fixer HTML tables header, footer or columns.
    This plugin will only add elements events and css attributes necessary for fix tables header, footer or columns, you can customize styles of your table, this plugin will not influence style of table (width, height, background, font color, etc…)

    jQuery Simple Scroll Follow Plugin

    jQuery Simple Scroll Follow Plugin

    jQuery plugin to move the element according to the scrolling window.

    Sticky Sidebar : jQuery Smart and high performance Sticky Sidebar

    Sticky Sidebar : jQuery Smart and high performance Sticky Sidebar

    Sticky Sidebar is a pure JavaScript plugin for making smart and high performance sticky sidebar, works with sidebar if it’s taller or shorter than the viewport, integrated with resize sensor to re-calculate the dimensions automatically when the size of sidebar or its container is changed, supports jQuery/Zepto.

    jQuery Sticky Table Header Plugin

    jQuery Sticky Table Header Plugin

    A small and accessible jQuery plugin for adding sticky headers to large data tables.


    • Supports multiple tables on one page
    • Uses position: fixed that allows smooth scrolling and a wide range of browser support
    • Screenreader support
    • Minimal DOM updates in scroll event

    Stopattop : jQuery Sticky Element Plugin

    Stopattop : jQuery Sticky Element Plugin

    Stopattop  is a jQuery plugin that will stop elements from scrolling past the top of the browser window.