Dragio.js is a javascript class to work with file upload. Custom responsive forms, progress bars, drag ‘n’ drop function, Ctrl + V paste, image preview etc.
Best jQuery File Upload Plugins & Tutorials with Demo
Creative Upload Interaction with JavaScript & Canvas
Well in this tutorial we will see how to implement a creative component to upload files, using as inspiration the previous animation by Jakub Antalík. The Idea is to bring better visual feedback around what happens with the file after is dropped.
We will be focusing only on implementing the drag
and drop
interactions and some animations, without actually implementing all the necessary logic to actually upload the files to the server and use the component in production.
Fileuploader : Beautiful and powerful HTML5 File Uploading Tool
Fileuploader is a beautiful and powerful HTML5 file uploading tool. A jQuery and PHP plugin that transforms the standard file input into a revolutionary and fancy field on your page.
- File preview with image thumbnail or icon
- File image thumbnail can be generated in canvas to resize it perfectly for given with and height
- Render synchron the file preview
- File icon background is generated from file extension
- Customize your own input and thumbnail elements
- Responsive and fancy animations
- Choose multiple files from different folders
- Drag&Drop feature
- Upload each file with Ajax
- Upload synchron the files
- Upload progressbar with many data available
- Start, retry and cancel upload actions
- Paste images from clipboard (only in Chrome)
- Validate the file’s limit, size and extension. You can also use your own function
- Edit mode for already uploaded files
- All files are in one list in a hidden input
- Use input HTML attributes to configurate it
- HTML template renderer using Text variables
- CSS file icon
- PHP upload helper
- PHP generates an array with many file informations
- PHP can create a custom file name
- API and more than 24 Callbacks to manipulate freely the appearance and functionality of your file input
jQuery Bootstrap File Input Plugin
File input fields look differently in all browsers. It’s a pain in the arse to design something that looks nice in all browsers and it sucks that support for this is not available in Twitter Bootstrap.
This jQuery plugin is designed to make all file input fields look like standard Twitter Bootstrap buttons.