jQuery graspSchedule.js is a simple jQuery calendar plugin used to visualize complex schedules & events loading from JSON data, a little similar to the timeline or event calendar. You can use it for Life-log application or webpage for time schedule.
Best jQuery Event Calendar Plugins & Tutorials with Demo
jQuery Events Calendar via Ajax
Events Calendar is a flexible plugin that allows you to connect to your database and show up your event days on a calendar view. You can easily list your events on wherever you want on your page via just one click.
- Easy installation
- jQuery powered
- Cross platform (Php, Asp…)
- Major browsers support
- Language support
- Easy to customize
- Detailed options
- 4 events
- 7 color themes
jQuery Flat Event Calendar Responsive Timeline
It’s a responsive event calendar. It can also be used as a timeline. It’s suitable both for responsive and fixed layout. Its features :
- Flat UI.
- Supported by all major browsers.
- Responsive design.
- 5 layouts included.
- Own layout can be customized.
- Almost fully css customizable.
- Metro and iOS7 inspired.
CLNDR.js : A jQuery Calendar Plugin
CLNDR is a jQuery plugin for creating calendars. Unlike most calendar plugins, this one doesn’t generate markup. Instead you provide an Underscore.js HTML template and in return CLNDR gives you a wealth of data to use within it.
CLNDR takes an array of event objects and weaves them into the days array in your template. This means you can pass in as many events as you want and CLNDR will make sure they show up when you need them.
Google calendar events now on your website – jQuery plugin
This script pulls events that you create in your public Google calendar and displays them on your website.You may choose how many events to display at a time.Each event box can show the event start date-time, timezone, location of the event, summary and description of the event.Each event box has a link to the original event you defined in your calendar.
DZS jQuery Mini Events Calendar
Need a neat way to present your events in a calendar? This is the plugin for you.
- easy install – purchase, download the zip, read the docs
- sample setup included – a sample setup with the plugin to show an example on how it can be configured
- dzs tooltips included – a tooltip plugin from our portfolio is included to provide rich experience to your users
- two skins – default and black
- iPhone/iPad compatible – this plugin is compatible with iToys, even Android works
- major browsers support – IE7 , IE8, IE9 , IE10, Chrome, Opera, Safari and Firefox fully tested
- html supported – inline content is no problem for this plugin
jQuery Week Calendar with Demo
The jquery-week-calendar plugin provides a simple and flexible way of including a weekly calendar in your application. It is built on top of jquery and jquery ui and is inspired by other online weekly calendars such as google calendar. If you require a monthly calendar view, I highly recommend checking out the FullCalendar plugin by Adam Shaw.Features :
- Display of calendar events within a weekly grid
- Calendar events can be supplied as an array, url or function returning json
- Calendar events can be dragged, dropped and resized
- Lots of callbacks for customizing the way events are rendered plus callbacks for drag, drop, resize, mouseover, click etc
- Automatically scrolls to current time
- Freebusy management
- multi-user management
- Extend the core calendar event, users and free busys data structure with your own data
- Highly configurable, enabling variable timeslots, readonly calendars, display of partial days, custom date formatting, direct manipulation of individual events for create, update, delete of events and much more.
jQuery Frontier Calendar with Demo
Full month calendar jQuery plugin that looks like Google Calendar.All UI elements such as next-month & previous-month buttons, add event form, edit event form, tooltips, etc, are not part of the calendar plugin. These are to be created by you so you can control how they look. Use the API hooks in your form elements to control the calendar.
You may change the background image via the CSS file. By default all day cells have a linear fade png image for their background.