Best jQuery DateTime Picker Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    JalaliJSCalendar : JavaScript date-picker and calendar

    JalaliJSCalendar : JavaScript date-picker and calendar

    JalaliJSCalendar is a JavaScript date-picker and calendar widget based on “Dynarch DHTML Calendar” from Mihai Bazon. The main difference between two is that JalaliJSCalendar supports Persian (AKA Hijri Shamsi) calendar too, which is the official Iranian calendar.

    jQuery TimePicker

    jQuery TimePicker

    jQuery TimePicker is a plugin to help users easily input time entries. It works by allowing the user to type times in a free format or selecting them from a dropdown menu.A jQuery plugin to enhance standard form input fields helping users to select (or type) times.

    The plugin will automatically convert all time entries to a format that can be changed passing the timeFormat option.

    jQuery CalendarPicker with Demo

    jQuery CalendarPicker with Demo

    jQuery CalendarPicker is a free ultra-light calendar.This component is a light-weight calendar/date-picker.


    • supports internationalization (supports do not necessary means it is implemented:-) )
    • supports changing current date
    • supports mouse wheel scrolling
    • supporting (deferred) callback on date selection
    • supports variable number of years, months and days
    • supports next/prev arrows

    Kalendae : A framework agnostic javascript date picker

    Kalendae : A framework agnostic javascript date picker with Demo

    Kalendae is an attempt to do something that nobody has yet been able to do: make a date picker that doesn’t suck. Kalendae provides the following features:

    1. Fully portable, no dependencies. No jQuery, no Prototype, no MooTools; just add the script and the stylesheet and you’re good to go.
    2. Fully and easily skinable. The default theme uses only one image file (a mask for the previous and next buttons), everything else is styled using CSS.
    3. Supports all modern browsers and IE8.
    4. Support single day, multiple day, or day range selection.
    5. Configurable number of months to be displayed at once.
    6. Can be displayed on the page as an inline widget, or attached to one or more input fields as a popup control.
    7. Can be attached to any page element, not just named elements.
    8. Configurable blackouts, defined either as an array of dates or via a callback function
    9. Output selected dates in a variety of formats

    Chico UI – jQuery User Interface Components

    Chico UI – jQuery User Interface Components

    Chico UI is an open source and free set of user interface components to ease developing with jQuery.

    The components include auto-complete, blink, calendar, carousel, countdown, date-picker, dropdown, expando, form and more.

    There is a CSS layout framework named Chico Mesh for accomplishing any type of web layouts and grids.

    jQuery Any+Time DatePicker/TimePicker AJAX Calendar Widget

    jQuery Any+Time DatePicker/TimePicker AJAX Calendar Widget

    jQuery Any+Time includes a highly-customizable, jQuery-compatible datepicker/ timepicker (calendar/ clock widget) and a powerful Date/String parse/format utility.

    Address Picker: Display Real Time Map Location in jQuery

    Address Picker: Display Real Time Map Location

    Address Picker is a jQuery plugin with autocomplete and location on map features. It displays map for the selected address, even while you navigate in autocomplete suggestions.Autocomplete filled by Google Map Geocoder suggestions.

    Android Style Datepicker Widget for jQuery Mobile: Mobi Pick

    Android Style Datepicker Widget for jQuery Mobile: Mobi Pick

    Mobi Pick is an Android-style datepicker widget for jQuery Mobile. It uses the date library XDate and allows progressive enhancement for date input fields using Modernizr.

    Zebra Datepicker a lightweight jQuery date picker plugin

    jQuery date picker plugin

    Zebra Datepicker is a small, compact and highly configurable date picker plugin for jQuery and it is built using the fabulous jQuery Plugin Boilerplate. It is cross-browser – works in every major browser; also, it works in Internet Explorer 6 (where it uses an iFrameShim so that it stays above select controls).Offers an intuitive mechanism for disabling dates and date ranges through a syntax similar to cron syntax..

    Mobiscroll a jQuery UI Date picker for touch devices

    jQuery UI Date picker

    A wheel scroller user control optimized for touchscreens to easily enter date and/or time. The control can easily be customized to support any custom values and can even be used as an intuitive alternative to the native select control (dropdown list). It is designed to be used on touch devices as an alternative to the jQuery UI date picker.