Best jQuery DateTime Picker Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    DateTimePicker : jQuery plugin select Date and Time

    DateTimePicker : jQuery plugin select Date and Time

    Use this plugin to unobtrusively add a datetimepicker, datepicker or timepicker dropdown to your forms. It’s easy to customize options.

    Clockface : jQuery Timepicker for Twitter Bootstrap

    Clockface : jQuery Timepicker for Twitter Bootstrap

    Clock-like timepicker for Twitter Bootstrap.

    jQuery UI Bootstrap : Bootstrap-themed kickstart for jQuery UI widgets

    jQuery UI Bootstrap : Bootstrap-themed kickstart for jQuery UI widgets

    A jQuery UI theme based on Twitter Bootstrap.This project was started to bring the beauty and ease-of-use of Twitter Bootstrap to jQuery UI widgets.In their original forms, jQuery UI and Bootstrap can’t coexist resulting in conflicts with both CSS classes and styles as well as JavaScript when you do try to use them. jQuery UI Bootstrap provides the JavaScript and CSS required to quickly start a project using both jQuery UI and Twitter Bootstrap.

    Our solution offers a custom version of Bootstrap compatible with jQuery UI as well as a Bootstrap-themed jQuery UI theme you can use to prototype your projects.

    jQuery UI datepicker Skins in CSS3

    jQuery UI datepicker in CSS3

    CSS3 skins for jQuery UI datepicker.To use them, start by copying the .datepicker.css files you need as well as the images in the images folder. Then add the appropriate classes to your datepickers. See below for a complete list of the available skins.

    glDatePicker : ultra-simple Date Picker plug-in for jQuery

    glDatePicker : ultra-simple Date Picker plug-in for jQuery

    An ultra-simple, customizable, light-weight date picker plug-in for jQuery at just over 7KB compressed or 25KB uncompressed.


    • Stylize current date, selected date, special dates and individual days of the week
    • Set data on special dates (that is returned on callback when selected)
    • Repeatable date ranges, individual dates and special dates
    • Restrict selection to range of dates, individual dates, years, months and days of the week
    • Restricting forward / backwards month navigation
    • Automatically jump to respective month on selection (if it is the next or previous month)
    • Offset days of the week (e.g. make Wednesday the first day of the week)
    • Jump to specific month or year through select drop-down
    • Customizable month names and days of week names
    • Callbacks for when date is selected and when calendar is about to show or hide
    • Individual styles per date picker on the same page
    • Render directly below input control (by default) or specify a custom element to render into

    jQuery Date Range picker for Twitter Bootstrap

    jQuery Date Range picker for Twitter Bootstrap

    This date range picker component for Twitter Bootstrap creates a dropdown menu from which a user can select a range of dates. It was created for the reporting UI at Improvely.

    If invoked with no options, it will present two calendars to choose a start and end date from. Optionally, you can provide a list of date ranges the user can select from instead of choosing dates from the calendars. If attached to a text input, the selected dates will be inserted into the text box. Otherwise, you can provide a custom callback function to receive the selection.The date range picker relies on jQuery, Datejs for parsing strings into dates and defining custom ranges, and the Twitter Bootstrap CSS.

    pickadate.js : LightWeight jQuery DatePicker

    pickadate.js : LightWeight jQuery DatePicker

    Pickadate.js is a lightweight jQuery dateinput picker.

    Pikaday : JavaScript datepicker

    Pikaday : JavaScript datepicker

    Pikaday is a JavaScript datepicker with a light footprint and easy style-ability with modular CSS. Pikaday is packed below 5kb and isn’t even dependent on jQuery. It does play well with Moment.js if you need advanced formatting. This datepicker has literally been on my “projects to build” list for years. I’ve seen alternatives since but nothing I’ve been happy to develop further.

    jQuery Mobile Datebox

    jQuery Mobile Datebox

    DateBox is a jQuery-mobile based date and time picker.Four display mode Standard, click-outside-to-close popup mode, Forced input modal popup mode, Unique page dialog mode,  Inline mode.


    • Android style date picker
    • Calendar style date picker
    • Slide style date picker
    • Flip Wheel style date or time picker
    • 12 and 24 hour time picker
    • Duration time picker