Best jQuery Countdown Timer Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    jQuery Responsive Countdown with Visual Builder

    jQuery Responsive Countdown with Visual Builder

    This is a javascript based tool that uses the canvas object to animate SVG defined drawings. The tool uses a flip animation to display the remaining time to or the elapsed time from a target date. The tool detects change of width and height of its container object and responds accordingly. Since it uses vector data to draw the digits and the panels of the countdown, there is no change in the quality of the displayed drawings when it gets resized. The tool features around 30 options to customize but it can also be used in a simple configuration.


    • Responsive behavior. The tool scales according to available width.
    • Visual tool that assist you to create your unique countdown.
    • Infinite color combinations. Solid color for the digits. Gradient color for the panels.
    • Show hide groups.
    • Two perspective modes.
    • Two sets of digits. Three sets of panels.
    • Setting of time zone.
    • Setting of label captions.
    • Setting of labels font and size.

    FlipClock.js : JavaScript Timer Clock Timer Library

    FlipClock.js : JavaScript Timer Clock Timer Library

    So why use this library when there are many others with the same name? Well, this library was created because the other solutions weren’t abstract enough to provide a deep level of customization without rewriting the code. (Besides the domain was available, who could pass it up?). Some libraries have a huge cascade of conditionals, while others simply hard-code too much into their scripts. Most projects had a very narrow scope. After reviewing as many of the existing solutions as possible, it was determined a proper extendible API needed to be written to create any kind of clock or counter (and the flip effect is just cool). The following are the logical requirements that were considered when creating the API.

    • Use as a clock
    • Use as a timer
    • Use as a countdown
    • Themeable using pure CSS
    • Clean & Dry Syntax
    • Abstract everything into reusable objects
    • Full-Featured Developer API to create custom “Clock Faces”

    jQuery TimeCircles

    jQuery TimeCircles

    TimeCircles is a jQuery plugin that provides a nice looking way to either count down towards a certain time, or to count up from a certain time. The goal for TimeCircles is to provide a simple yet dynamic tool that makes it very easy to provide visitors an attractive countdown or timer.

    Create a Minimal Coming Soon Page using HTML5 and CSS3

    Create a Minimal Coming Soon Page using HTML5 and CSS3

    In this tutorial we are going to create a Coming Soon page using HTML5 and CSS3 with a minimalist style and light colors. We will use the minimal Coming Soon page designed in Photoshop by Stelian a few days ago. For the countdown timer we will use jQuery and the jQuery countdown plugin from Of course we will customize it a bit to match our design.

    TimeTo : jQuery plugin – timer countdown digital clock

    TimeTo : jQuery plugin - timer countdown digital clock

    jQuery plugin – timer countdown digital clock.

    jQuery Count Down Plugin : County

    jQuery Count Down Plugin : County

    Its time for count down, its county! County is a free jQuery count down plugin build with powerful jQuery library and loaded with various customization options. It allows you to control the animation, color schemes and many other parameters.

    jCountdown : jQuery Customizable Countdown Mega Package

    jCountdown : jQuery Customizable Countdown Mega Package

    jCountdown is a highly customizable jQuery plugin, you can easily to use it on your site, you can try some different setting at preview page, and check all properties and methods at demo page.

    Countdown.js : Calculate Time Between 2 Dates with JavaScript

    Countdown.js : Calculate Time Between 2 Dates with JavaScript

    Countdown.js emphasizes producing intuitively correct description of timespans which are consistent as time goes on. To do this, Countdown.js uses the concept of “today’s date next month” to mean “a month from now”. As the days go by, Countdown.js produces consecutively increasing or decreasing counts without inconsistent jumps. The range of accuracy is only limited by the underlying system clock.

    jQuery.countdown : Final Countdown plugin for jQuery

    jQuery.countdown : Final Countdown plugin for jQuery

    The Final Countdown is plugin that let’s you in control where and how you will display the countdown, this mean that the plugin doesn’t make any assumption on how the html will be displayed and it’s up to you to do it, with the help of our beloved jQuery selectors.This script it’s wrapper on an interval that calculates the time left, and execute a callback function every time something changes (this means every second).

    flipCounter : jQuery Counter Plugin

    flipCounter : jQuery Counter Plugin

    flipCounter is a jQuery plugin that turns a boring ‘ole number into a big, beautiful analogue display. Count down the days until the apocalypse, make your own debt clock or throw back to the 90s and resurrect the hit-counter. The possibilities are endless!