Best jQuery Scrolling Effects Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Scroll to Style jQuery Plugin

    Scroll to Style jQuery Plugin

    scrollToStyle is a versatile tool that lets you manage CSS properties of elements using the page scroll.
    You will be able to compel the elements move, change their size, color, opacity, background and many other properties.


    • Management absolutely all the properties of a numeric value
    • Browser Support depends only on selected properties
    • It manages multiple properties of the same element
    • Management fractional property values and control the number of decimal places
    • Fixing of the screen during an animation
    • Animation range control

    Block Reveal Effects with CSS & JavaScript

    Block Reveal Effects with CSS & JavaScript

    Today we’d like to share a couple of ideas for a kind of block reveal effect that has been used in some designs recently. The main idea is to reveal content in a schematic box look. The effect first shows a decorative block element being drawn and when it starts to decrease its size, it uncovers some content underneath.

    Reveal : Scroll Reveal Animations jQuery Plugin

    Reveal : Scroll Reveal Animations jQuery Plugin

    Reveal is a scroll reveal animations framework with unlimited animation possibilities. Reveal animations can be used with any element in your page. Built with the use of jQuery, GSAP and Animus, Reveal is guaranteed to offer an unmatched scroll reveal animation and design experience.

    In-View.js : JavaScript Viewport Event Library

    In-View.js : JavaScript Viewport Event Library

    Library that tracks elements on the page and reacts when they are about to leave or enter the viewport. The library has no external dependencies and is really easy to use with a simple callback syntax.

    jQuery Do-Scroll : Scroll-y like Action

    jQuery Do-Scroll : Scroll-y like Action

    jQuery do-scroll is a plugin to creates an scroll-y like action.

    Scrolla : jQuery plugin for Reveal Animations when Scrolling

    Scrolla : jQuery plugin for Reveal Animations when Scrolling

    Scrolla is a jQuery plugin for reveal animations when scrolling.

    Progressively : JavaScript library to load Images Progressively

    Progressively : JavaScript library to load Images Progressively

    Progressively is a javascript library for loading images progressively. It’s written entirely in JavaScript so it doesn’t depend on 3rd-party libraries like jQuery. It’s super small, < 1.2kB when minified & gzipped! It will load images on when user browse to the page, saving bandwidth & server requests.

    ViewScroller.js : jQuery Fullpage website Scrolling

    ViewScroller.js : jQuery Fullpage website Scrolling

    ViewScroller.js is a  small and easy to use solution that allows you to create fullpage scrolling websites.

    It uses CSS3 transitions and jQuery animations depends on browser abilities. It’s important because some old browsers like IE8 has no CSS3 support.

    Animate.js : Trigger Animations on elements when Scrolling

    Animate.js : Trigger Animations on elements when Scrolling

    Animate js is a tiny (5KB) vanilla JS script to trigger animations on elements when they are within the viewport.

    Cool CSS Loading Effects for Grid Images

    Cool CSS Loading Effects for Grid Images

    TutsMix has shared with us some cool CSS loading effects for grid images. You can use them on your portfolio, blog, or anywhere you want. The setup is quite simple. We use Normalize.css as an alternative to the traditional CSS reset, ZURB Foundation to create a responsive grid, Masonry to create a dynamic grid layout, imagesLoaded to check if the images have been loaded, and Infinite Scroll by Paul Irish to load more images and append them to the gallery.