Best jQuery HTML5 canvas Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    jLayout : JavaScript Layout Algorithms

    jLayout : JavaScript Layout Algorithms

    he jLayout JavaScript library provides layout algorithms for laying out components. A component is an abstraction; it can be implemented in many ways, for example as items in a HTML5 Canvas drawing or as HTML elements. The jLayout library allows you to focus on drawing the individual components instead of on how to arrange them on your screen.

    Canvas Headings : jQuery Animated Text Plugin

    Canvas Headings : jQuery Animated Text Plugin

    With this jQuery plugin you can easily create cool looking headings for your pages!


    • Canvas headings with a fallback to default HTML
    • Gradient fill text
    • Image fill text animated and non animated
    • Text shadow/glow
    • Normal and gradient strokes
    • Works with all fonts
    • Rotated text
    • 3D text
    • 3D shadows
    • Distorted text

    Phaser : 2D game framework for HTML5 Games

    Phaser : 2D game framework for HTML5 Games

    Phaser is a fun, free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.

    Flat Surface Shader with JavaScript & SVG

    Flat Surface Shader with JavaScript & SVG

    Flat Surface Shader for rendering lit triangles to a number of contexts written in JavaScript  including WebGL, Canvas 2D and SVG.

    Waterpipe.js : jQuery HTML5 Smoky backgrounds Generator Plugin

    Waterpipe.js : jQuery HTML5 Smoky backgrounds Generator Plugin

    waterpipe.js is a jQuery plugin for smoky backgrounds generation (HTML5 Canvas).

    jQuery Canvas Sparkles Plugin

    jQuery Canvas Sparkles Plugin

    A little jQuery plugin for making DOM elements sparkle (uses Canvas)

    Seen.js : Render 3D scenes into SVG or HTML5 Canvas

    Seen.js : Render 3D scenes into SVG or HTML5 Canvas

    seen.js renders 3D scenes into SVG or HTML5 Canvas.

    Mambo : jQuery plugin to Draw 2d Percenatge badges

    Mambo : jQuery plugin to Draw 2d Percenatge badges

    Mambo is a jQuery plugin that use canvas to draw 2d percenatge badges (or just colored badges).You could use it for creating colorful badges with labels, display percentages or both. It was created because I wanted to avoid the mess of using images made ad-hoc for displaying “percentage badges” and as an excuse to start playing with canvas!

    CarsonJs : jQuery & canvas plugin for making random Inspired Art

    CarsonJs : jQuery & canvas plugin for making random inspired art

    CarsonJs is a jQuery & canvas plugin for making random David Carson inspired art.

    CutJS : DOM & jQuery for HTML5 Canvas Graphics

    CutJS : DOM & jQuery for HTML5 Canvas Graphics

    CutJS is a minimal JavaScript library for composing high-performance, dynamic and interactable 2D HTML5 graphics. It is inspired by DOM and jQuery with a new concept called pinning introduced instead of styling.

    CutJS is cross-platform and works with modern browsers and mobile devices, it is intended to be used for game and visual app development.