CircletPreloader is a small jQuery plugin that for as circular loading animations show depict the state of charge of various HTML DOM elements as a percentage.
The aim was to get along with as few KB, while flexibility as regards the possibilities for the representation of the loading animations. The minifie JavaScript file is only 2, 74 KB hard and needs no other and / or external JavaScript libraries. One can CircletPreloader even without jQuery use and is therefore completely independent. Using various parameters can be the loading animations individualize a large scale.
Best jQuery HTML5 canvas Plugins & Tutorials with Demo
CircletPreloader jQuery Plugin
ArtCanvas.js : HTML5 Canvas Library
This library enables to create image authoring application like Photoshop.
In concrete, this library may be useful to implement the following features.
- Layer
- Draw (Pen, Figure, Text ..etc)
- Styles (Color, Line Width, Text Styles …etc)
- Transforms (Translate, Scale, Rotate)
- Tools for drawing