Best jQuery HTML5 canvas Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Canvallax.js : Easy Parallax Effects on Canvas

    Canvallax.js : Easy Parallax Effects on Canvas

    Canvallax is a small (5.8kb minified, 2.1kb gzipped) dependency-free Javascript library for managing elements on <canvas>. Support is built-in for:

    • Parallax Scrolling, with optional damping to smooth motions
    • Pointer Tracking
    • Distance/scaling
    • Images on Canvas, from URLs or nodes (<img /><canvas />, etc) with Canvallax.Image
    • Common shapes (Canvallax.CircleCanvallax.Polygon and Canvallax.Rectangle)
    • Element stacking with zIndex
    • Fixed position Elements
    • Element cloning

    Bu.js : JavaScript 2D Canvas Graphics library

    Bu.js : JavaScript 2D Canvas Graphics library

    Bu.js is a JavaScript 2D graphics library based on HTML5 Canvas.

    Instacam : jQuery Instant Canvas Video Plugin

    Instacam : jQuery Instant Canvas Video Plugin

    Instacam is a jQuery plugin to perform instant canvas video through the WebRTC API with a fresh touch of CSS filters.The plugin is compatible with browser that natively support the HTML5 canvas tag, requestAnimationFrame API, HTMLMediaElement API, navigator.mediaDevicesand Promises API. The CSS filtering requires the CSS filter features to properly work.

    Bubbly-bg : Beautiful Bubbly backgrounds with JS & Canvas

    Bubbly-bg : Beautiful Bubbly backgrounds with JS & Canvas

    Bubbly-bg is a beautiful bubbly backgrounds in less than 1kB (750 bytes gzipped).

    Bubbly creates a canvas element and appends it to the body. This element has position: fixed and z-index: -1, and always fills the width/height of the viewport, which should make it plug and play for most projects.

    Creative Upload Interaction with JavaScript & Canvas

    Creative Upload Interaction with JavaScript & Canvas

    Well in this tutorial we will see how to implement a creative component to upload files, using as inspiration the previous animation by Jakub Antalík. The Idea is to bring better visual feedback around what happens with the file after is dropped.

    We will be focusing only on implementing the drag and drop interactions and some animations, without actually implementing all the necessary logic to actually upload the files to the server and use the component in production.

    Tower Building Game with Html5 Canvas & Javascript

    Tower Building Game with Html5 Canvas & Javascript

    Tower Game is a HTML5 canvas tower building game using javascript. MIT licensed and has some option to customize.

    Rough.js : Create Graphics in Hand-Drawn & Sketchy Appearance

    Rough.js : Create Graphics in Hand-Drawn & Sketchy Appearance

    Rough.js is a light weight (~8k), Canvas based library that lets you draw in a sketchyhand-drawn-like, style. The library defines primitives to draw lines, curves, arcs, polygons, circles, and ellipses. It also supports drawing SVG paths.

    Konva.js : HTML5 2d Canvas Library

    Konva.js : HTML5 2d Canvas Library

    Konva is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework that enables high performance animations, transitions, node nesting, layering, filtering, caching, event handling for desktop and mobile applications, and much more.

    You can draw things onto the stage, add event listeners to them, move them, scale them, and rotate them independently from other shapes to support high performance animations, even if your application uses thousands of shapes. Served hot with a side of awesomeness.

    KoolChart : HTML5 CANVAS based Charting Solution

    KoolChart : HTML5 CANVAS based Charting Solution

    HTML5 CANVAS-based charting solution with excellent performance Works on all HTML5-supported browsers With a single development effort, the chart layout and style can be used on multiple devices.

    • 30 essential chart types, which is the most numerous provided in a single package.
    • Brilliant 2D and 3D charts with animation effects.
    • 400 ready-to-use sample charts are pre-packaged by default.
    • Customize styles, themes, tooltips, axes, labels, user-defined JavaScript functions, etc.
    • Simulate charts with Data Editor.

    Warp drive : jQuery HTML5 canvas based Starfield effect.

    Warp drive : jQuery HTML5 canvas based Starfield effect

    Warp drive is a lightweight jQuery plugin that helps you create a cool, interactive, configurable, HTML5 canvas based warp drive/starfield effect.