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    40+ Best Lorem Ipsum Text Image Generator Websites

    Lorem ipsum Text Image Generator Website

    Lorem Ipsum text is the must needed tool for every designer because it gives random text to fill your design and shows the exact look before getting the real text content.Lorem ipsum generator not only generate words, paragraphs, sentences of different types but now a days it also generate random images of any size, any color, any category.Totally productive tools that can save your time and improve your design.Today we are sharing some of the websites that can help you to generate Lorem random text and images.

    30+ CSS Responsive Framework & Boilerplates

    30+ CSS Responsive Framework & Boilerplates

    If you are converting your photoshop psd file to html css and not using css responsive framework then you should seriously consider it.Their are lot of advantages of using css frameworks.A well-built CSS framework or boilerplate can streamline the design process, save huge chunks of development time and ensure your website scales properly on all devices.These frameworks not only makes your website responsive but it also save your development time.Today we are going to show you some popular css framework.

    20 Best WordPress Boostrap Themes


    In this Article we are providing best wordpress themes based on responsive twitter’s bootstrap framework .All the wordpress themes are responsive.

    10+ Best jQuery Webcam Plugin with example

    Best jQuery Webcam Plugin with example

    In this Post we are providing best jQuery webcam plugin with examples.Due to popularity of taking snapshots, detect movement, colors, QR and barcodes, record videoclips and organize videochats with the help of webcamera some javascript developers develop a good and useful plugins to manipulate with webcam.Here is some good list of online photobooth or webcam plugins.

    8 Best jQuery WordPress Themes : W3

    Best jQuery Wordpress Themes of the Week

    8 Best jQuery WordPress Themes of the Week 2 – April 2013

    8 Best jQuery WordPress Themes of the Week 2 – April 2013