Zoomer Gallery – A jQuery plugin for displaying zoom images

    Zoomer Gallery – A jQuery plugin for displaying zoom images

    In today’s post, I’m going to be giving away a new plugin for jQuery that allows you to easily transform your image lists into beautiful galleries with Flash-like zoom effects in them. It’s a simple but elegant way of giving your interfaces a nice little shine and at only 2KB in size, it’s both compact and surprisingly easy to use.

    What we want to achieve today is increasing the visible size of a thumbnail image from something smaller to something larger whilst also animating the title/caption of it. Rather than using multiple images for this process, what we are going to do in this post is use the same image for both the thumbnail and the “zoom”. To do this we need to ensure that all of our images are larger than the default size of our thumbnails (and optimally, a little larger than our zoomed in images). CSS Bi-cubic interpolation is used to keep everything looking clean.

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