Select.js is a Javascript and CSS library for creating styleable select elements. It aims to reproduce the behavior of native controls as much as is possible, while allowing for complete styling with CSS.
Tags: SelectBox
- Accordion (46)
- Ajax (346)
- Animation (1,127)
- Articles (56)
- Bootstrap (259)
- Calendar (61)
- Carousel (105)
- Chart & Graph (126)
- Core Java Script (1,091)
- CSS2 / CSS3.0 (1,359)
- Drag & Drop (190)
- Events (78)
- Forms (564)
- Gallery (571)
- Games (47)
- HTML5 (486)
- Image Effects (211)
- jQuery Mobile (52)
- jQuery UI (77)
- jSON (188)
- Layout (45)
- Maps (105)
- Menus (546)
- Other API (270)
- Other Libraries (15)
- PHP (241)
- Plugins (3,921)
- Popup Window (372)
- Premium (791)
- Responsive (616)
- Slider (478)
- Snippets (162)
- SVG Tutorial (187)
- Tables (165)
- Tabs (103)
- Text Effect (204)
- Video & Audio (197)
- Web (826)
- Wordpress (59)
- XML (31)
- Zoom (101)