Live LESS Theme Customizer

    Live LESS Theme Customizer
    • Live edit the visuals of a web page in a browser with the help of Less.js (colors, padding and any other CSS properties)
    • Edit the Less variables and see the results immediately on the preview page.
    • Generates the customized CSS file (and the minified version).
    • Provides a way to the user to freely overwrite any style by hand.
    • Can use any web fonts (by adding the @import’s into the custom Less code).
    • Related variables – filter the variables that affects the appropriate element
    • Can import any customized Less file with comment hinting – it is very easy to set up the customizer.
    • Can save any color in the color picker and reuse them later.
    • The preview is in an iframe so any multi-paged theme can be edited without reloading the editor (the same Less variables can be used on every page, with the actual customizations applied to every page).
    • Javascript interface – load any pre-defined theme programmatically (see the theme selector in the advanced demo).
    • Very easy to set up the customizable variables (they are getting parsed from a Less file)

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