pricing table style : demo 156


  • 50GB Disk Space
  • 50 Email Accounts
  • Maintenance
  • 15 Subdomains
$10.00 per month


  • 50GB Disk Space
  • 50 Email Accounts
  • Maintenance
  • 15 Subdomains
$20.00 per month


  • 50GB Disk Space
  • 50 Email Accounts
  • Maintenance
  • 15 Subdomains
$30.00 per month


(Icons : Fontawesome & CSS Framwork: Bootstrap)


  • 50GB Disk Space
  • 50 Email Accounts
  • Maintenance
  • 15 Subdomains
$10.00 per month


  • 50GB Disk Space
  • 50 Email Accounts
  • Maintenance
  • 15 Subdomains
$20.00 per month


(Fonts required: Lato.)
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