news slider style : demo 29





                            margin: 0 15px;
                            background: #fff;
                            border-bottom: 1px solid #dedde1;
                        .post-slide .post-header{
                            padding: 15px 20px;
                        .post-slide .title{
                            margin-bottom: 5px;
                        .post-slide .title a{
                            font-size: 15px;
                            color: #333;
                            font-weight: bold;
                            text-transform: uppercase;
                            transition: all 0.4s ease 0s;
                        .post-slide .title a:hover{
                            color: #fd6058;
                            text-decoration: none;
                        .post-slide .post-bar{
                            margin: 15px 0 0 0;
                            padding: 0;
                            list-style: none;
                        .post-slide .post-bar li{
                            display: inline-block;
                            margin-right: 20px;
                            color: #808080;
                        .post-slide .post-bar li a{
                            font-size: 15px;
                            color: #808080;
                            text-transform: capitalize;
                        .post-slide .post-bar li a:hover{
                            text-decoration: none;
                            color: #fd6058;
                        .post-slide .post-bar li img{
                            width: 35px;
                            height: 35px;
                            border-radius: 50%;
                        .post-slide .post-bar li i,
                        .post-slide .post-bar li img{
                            margin-right: 5px;
                        .post-slide .pic{
                            overflow: hidden;
                            position: relative;
                        .post-slide .pic:after{
                            content: "";
                            width: 100%;
                            height: 100%;
                            position: absolute;
                            top: 0;
                            left: 0;
                            background: rgba(255,255,255,0);
                            transition: all 0.9s ease 0s;
                        .post-slide:hover .pic:after{
                            background: rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
                        .post-slide .pic img{
                            width: 100%;
                            height: auto;
                            transform: rotate(0deg) scale(1,1);
                            transition: all 0.6s ease-in-out 0s;
                        .post-slide:hover .pic img{
                            transform: rotate(10deg) scale(1.5,1.5);
                        .post-slide .post-category{
                            padding: 5px 15px;
                            margin: 0;
                            list-style: none;
                            position: absolute;
                            bottom: 0;
                            left: 0;
                            background: #fd6058;
                            z-index: 1;
                        .post-slide .post-category li{
                            display: inline-block;
                            text-transform: uppercase;
                        .post-slide .post-category li:after{
                            content: " ,";
                            color: #fff;
                        .post-slide .post-category li:last-child:after{
                            content: "";
                        .post-slide .post-category li a{
                            color: #fff;
                        .post-slide .post-category li a:hover{
                            text-decoration: none;
                            color: #333;
                        .post-slide .post-description{
                            font-size: 16px;
                            color: #808080;
                            padding: 15px;
                        @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
                            .post-header .post-bar li{
                                margin-right: 5px;


(News slider depend on jQuery and Owl carousel.)

                        $(document).ready(function() {
                                itemsMobile : [650,1],
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