15+ Best PHP Frameworks MVC for Developers

    These are the best PHP frameworks that are based on the MVC design pattern. These frameworks have everything to make every developer’s life easier. These frameworks are using to build websites and web applications with plane PHP. In this post you can see these frameworks to build secure and scalable projects.

    1. Laravel

    Laravel is a PHP MVC framework. Laravel has many features that make rapid application development possible. Laravel has its own light-weight templating engine called “Blade”, elegant syntax that facilitates tasks you frequently need to do, such as authentication, sessions, queueing, caching and RESTful routing. Laravel also includes a local development environment called Homestead that is a packaged Vagrant box.


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    2. Symfony

    Symfony is a PHP MVC framework. Symfony 2 framework are used by many impressive projects such as the Drupal content management system. You can install any of the Components with the Composer PHP dependency manager. The website of Symfony has a cool showcase section where you can take a peek at the projects developers accomplished with the help of this handy framework.


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    3. CodeIgniter

    CodeIgniter is a lightweight PHP framework and also a MVC framework (initially released in 2006). In this framework Controller classes is a must, but Models and Views are optional, and you can use your own coding and naming conventions, evidence that CodeIgniter gives great freedom to developers.


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    4. Yii 2

    Yii 2 is faster than other PHP frameworks and a MVC framework. It extensively uses the lazy loading technique. It is a pure object-oriented framework.it is based on the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) coding concept, so it provides you with a pretty clean and logical code base.



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    5. Phalcon

    Phalcon is said to be fast as a falcon, because it was written in C and C++ to reach the highest level of performance optimization possible. This framework was released in 2012.This is a MVC framework. Phalcon is also packed with many cool features such as a universal auto-loader, asset management, security, translation, caching, and many others


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    6. CakePHP

    CakePHP is already a decade old (the first version was released in 2005), but it’s still among the most popular PHP frameworks, as it has always managed to keep up with time. it powers the websites of big brands such as BMW, Hyundai, and Express. It is an excellent tool for creating web apps that need high-level of security, as it has many built-in security features such as input validation, SQL injection prevention, XSS (cross-site scripting) prevention, CSRF (cross-site request forgery) protection, and many others.


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    7. Zend

    Zend is a robust and stable PHP framework packed with a lot of configuration options therefore it’s usually not recommended for smaller projects but excellent for more complex ones.Zend Framework 2 also has many cool features such as cryptographic coding tools, an easy-to-use drag and drop editor with support for front-end technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), instant online debugging and PHP Unit testing tools, and a connected Database Wizard.


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    8. Slim

    Slim is a PHP micro framework that provides you with everything you need and nothing you don’t. Micro frameworks are minimalistic in design, they are excellent for smaller apps where a full-stack framework would be an exaggeration. Slim’s creator was inspired by a Ruby micro framework called Sinatra.


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    9. FuelPHP

    FuelPHP is a flexible full-stack PHP framework that doesn’t only support the ordinary MVC pattern but also its evolved version, HMVC (Hierarchical Model-View-Controller) at the architecture level. FuelPHP adds an optional class called Presenter (formerly called ViewModel) between the Controller and View layers to hold the logic needed to generate Views.


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    10. Fat-Free

    Fat-Free is a powerful and easy to use PHP micro-framework. Developed by Bong Cosca in 2009, Fat-Free is one of lightweight framework with less than 50KB. It was developed almost entirely in PHP with main features of URL router, multilingual application support and cache engine.


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    11. Kohana

    Kohana is a PHP framework with HMVC (Hierarchical Model View Controller) architectural pattern. Kohana was built with PHP OOP in mind, which means you should you’ll get some advantages from it to have visibility protection, abstracts, automatic class loading, interfaces, overloading and singletons. The GET, POST, COOKIE, and SESSION methods can also be used as you want.


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    12. Flight

    Flight is a PHP micro-framework. Flight has a straightforward documentation which makes you easy to learn it even you are a beginner. It is a simple and restfull framework and not recommended for big web application project. It also support routing, error handling, JSON sending and request and more.


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    13. PHPixie

    PHPixie started as a micro framework and has gradually grown to be one of the most popular fullstack PHP frameworks while retaining its high performance. This is in part because of the strict architecture that avoids common pitfalls such as reliance on static methods, global scope, singletons and other antipatterns, thus also ensuring that the code is easy to read, debug, extend and test. In fact all PHPixie components boast full unit test coverage.


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    14. Aura

    Aura doesn’t compete with full stack PHP frameworks like Phalcon or with micro PHP frameworks like Slim. Aura is a collection of library packages where each package can be used independent of the other, in any code base. Aura PHP framework is of particular interest and quite useful to PHP developers who love to write their code grounds up without starting off with a full stack opinionated framework.


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    15. Nette

    Nette is a MVC based framework. Nette uses revolutionary technology that eliminates security holes and their misuse, such as XSS, CSRF, session hijacking, session fixation, etc. Nette Framework is one of the fastest frameworks ever. Nette Framework will lead to well designed applications.


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    16. Pop PHP

    The Pop PHP Framework is a full application-stack framework to help facilitate the building and writing of PHP applications. It has many useful components that can be used within an application or as standalone components as well.

    Pop PHP

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    17. Silex

    Silex is a PHP microframework for PHP. It is built on the shoulders of Symfony and Pimple and also inspired by sinatra.A microframework provides the guts for building simple single-file apps. Silex exposes an intuitive and concise API that is fun to use. Silex uses Symfony’s HttpKernel which abstracts request and response. This makes it very easy to test apps and the framework itself. It also respects the HTTP specification and encourages its proper use.


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